Hardcore Happenings


Rafflebot & Rares

Waiting for a long roll-over, I today discovered rafflebot. Now that *is* addictive. I must say that I enjoy the Grue-Fire-Water game more than the simple "flip a coin", although I revert to a good old "double or nothing" if I need to recuperate losses. The best approach is just to have some playing money that you can afford to lose. However tempting to go for the big rollers (which, in my case, is anything in excess of a million), I find that would be too much responsibility to stake on a single Grue (or flame or water).

I seem to have more success with rafflebot though, than with trading rares. Instead of buying low and selling high, I seem to be doing the exact opposite. I just don't have the patience for it, maybe, whereas the rafflebot simply gives you your "quick fix" of meatmakingness (or losingness!).