Hardcore Happenings


...with just a pinch of spices

How fun it is to adventure again. I had the most fun with the cooking, and trying to maximize my adventures.

It felt pretty cool to first eat two knoll-mushroom kabobs and due to that make it to level 5 and able to enter the kitchens.

Having enough storage for a purple snowcone, I gathered quite some ingredients with my new skill "phat loot", and was able to cook a gnochetti di nietschze quite fast, in order to be able to keep adventuring.

With only room for 5 fullness of food left, I decided to make a painfull penne pasta and after that waited for some spices to drop and fill the final bit with bat haggis. How's that for a diet, haha.

No luck on completing the meat car (3 toolboxes, no meat engines) nor on getting a pine-fresh air freshener.

This leaves opportunities for tomorrow, however, especially since I've already got most of the ingredients for spaghetti-with-skullheads. It'll still be muscle-day tomorrow!