Hardcore Happenings



I can't help myself from trying to tinker here, and put in a few notes on my pre-hardcore ascensions.

Today was pretty sweet. I got the bugbear trophy and the Toastdieb trophy (the latter was a bit of a setup, but I think that I'm not the only one who got it less than in full honesty). Re-ascending as a teetotal sauceror (Platypus) went without a hitch. Of course I forgot that I had Leash of Linguini for the first 30 or so turns...I did set the "Super-Secret Device" to 10, so my stat gains were pretty okay nonetheless. Still, I ended up one mysticality point short of being able to use the imitation nice watch. So, I pulled the dead guy's watch, instead. The hellions are also a bit too strong for me, so no luck in getting the dodecagram today. Which is the last item I needed to finish the Friar's quest (and would've netted me a Stomach of Steel). I'm confident that will be solved tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a stat day, incidentally, and I will be eating one of the deluxest diets: pickles, pate and a radio button candy. "Tiny wafer mint, sir?"