Hardcore Happenings


Day 5: Biding Time

I'm still struggling a bit with PvP. I lost one fight on a stupid mistake (not drinking enough) and another on lousy mini-luck. A second attack was succesful, but in the end it was only 8 for 10.

I'm not bothering to take a tough PvP stance today, I'm simply biding my time for tomorrow (mysticality day). I did run through the Daily Dungeon, with a Sneaky Pete Key as my reward and also quite succesfully helped out the Deep Fat Friars.

I think I'm best served with saving up my adventures for tomorrow for the rest.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Move Buster
Turns Played (this run): 343
Days Played (this run): 5

Ranking: 60
Fights Won/Lost: 31/27