Hardcore Happenings


Eating out

I'm in the process of moving to a new apartment and have some time off from work. It eats into my internet time, although today I headed out to the Internet Cafe to get my shot of Loathingness.

I've got my Stomach of Steel now (and dropped Teet!). I ate 3 hell ramen to prepare for my new ordeal: Eating White Citadel Burgers and White Citadel Fries. The current status, 1 burger down, 59 to go (and 10 fries).

Getting a goblin outfit is really, really, really tedious. I had an eye-pod equipped baby gravy fairy, with sympathy, leash, empathy and a green snowcone, and *it just wouldn't drop*. The pants were the toughest. I did get 6 more goblin shirts in the meantime, hah!

I really don't know how to play Accordion Thieves, seeing as how I haven't bought a single song yet. Playing casually just really puts off wanting to cast *any* buff. Maybe using mafia or scripts more in that regard will help me. The routine of buying mp restorers, going to skills, adding buffs, adventuring a bit and then buying more restorers is simply tedious and a hassle to my enjoyment of the gameplay. This run is going to be long anyway, so I don't mind as much :-)

Keypunch out.