Hardcore Happenings


Day 6: Fruity

Again, I had some troubles finding myself. I lost a PvP fight out of sheer thoughtlessness and had a bit of trouble starting up.

Eventually, I evaluated my options and made some right choices. First, I got the Hippy Gear, so that I've got easy access to fruit. Then I simply went adventuring where I could survive with my kentucky fried crossbow and hairsprayed moxie. A few adventures in the Knob Goblin Laboratory, onwards to a little fighting at the Friar's gate and a prolonged stint at Menagerie Level 1.

There, I got a bunch of fruits, slow gains of meat and good stats. I prepared myself for PvP, drank 3 jugs of Hatorade and went for a jump in rank and a dozen flowers. Tomorrow, I'll make level 8 and enjoy myself on the Mountain.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Move Buster
Turns Played (this run): 487
Days Played (this run): 6

Ranking: 107
Fights Won/Lost: 43/33

p.s. This must have happened yesterday, but as it is, my favourite drink is currently an exact tie between Dirty Martini and Infinitesimal IPA. I have downed 203 of each.