Hardcore Happenings


As Foreseen

All went according to plan. Besides a few misclicks. No clovers though, and the booze sucked, tomorrow, I'll rather try the Barrels, see how that works out.

Just about to reach level 10. We'll see tomorrow. I might possibly even ascend. I'll make a planning post and in this will focus on food.

I've only recently learned that bat haggis is a good food for Hardcore. My count is now up to 7. And of course I recently got the White Citadel Trophy. And the Hippy Trophy.

Here's the top 10, without brownies and burgers
165 pr0n chow mein
152 bat wing chow mein
147 Knob sausage chow mein 147
108 spaghetti with Skullheads
90 Lucky Surprise Egg
59 mugcake
53 rat appendix chow mein
51 hot wing
48 spicy enchanted bean burrito
43 gnocchetti di Nietzsche

Interesting to see how long the chow meins manage to stay up there, although the reagent food is creeping up. Mugcake and hot wings are there as typical "fillers".

Here's the booze top 10, without TPS drinks.
373 Infinitesimal IPA
--- white Canadian
138 fine wine
106 ice-cold Willer
89 Imp Ale
66 a little sump'm sump'm
56 whiskey sour
53 green beer
49 bloody beer
48 shot of orange schnapps

I've obscured my Canadianity count for sentimental reasons. You can see how "fillers" are right there on the list (willer, bloody beer, shot of orange). With IPA an old staple (not drunk so much recently, as I've been picking non-moxie signs). The white canadians are there for PVP obviously, and whiskey sour is explained by the fact that whiskey drops at the goats, and this is the most mixed.
Maybe I should sort the boozes out in base drinks some day. My bet is that the order will be very much: whiskey (goats), rum (pirates), vodka/gin, the others.