Hardcore Happenings


Day Four: Wrapped in a Wad of Dough

Achieved goals: Amphibian sympathy, a chef-in-the-box, dead boss-bat, meat maid.

Mistakes: Chef's hat don't drop in the kitchen, apparently. Also had to untinker the meatcar for the engine for the maid and did so before drinking myself over the limit with an IPA.

I'm officially in love with the Crimbo Elfling. Before ascension, I thought it was the familiar with the coolest theme and attitude. During softcore, I wished I could use it more often, but preferred the coffee pixie, for obvious reasons. In hardcore, I love him. Helping me kick the asses of the baddies, while dropping extra loot.

I'm learning a hell-of-a-lot about cooking. I so totally forgot about it during softcore times (I just bought chow meins. The end.). It's pretty fun, actually. It's also interesting to see what's happening to my consumption statistics. The diet is getting way more diverse (and funny)!

The Microbrewery is less cool than I thought. IPA's are fine and dandy, but the "special" is rarely worth it. A shot of tomato schnapps costs a fortune, for example, for relative little bonus. Maybe tomorrow will be another ESD day, but I'm going to stick with IPA and ice-cold ones.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Frog Boss
Turns Played (this run): 374
Days Played (this run): 4