Hardcore Happenings


Day Two: Expectations

First of all, thanks to Zair for giving me some feedback. Secondly, I must reflect on myself. A few days of being somewhat detached from KoL has given me the feel that I am more free to just play. The leaderboards have left my direct aim, and I can really pressurelessly enjoy the game. Which doesn't mean I don't want to optimize it, just that I can do it more anonymously.

Goals for tomorrow:
- Finish Cave adventure
- Get a Bitchin' Meat Car
- Boss Bat
- Meat maid
- Equipment Upgrade

Some adventures at the "Fun House" should provide me with better pants, and maybe the acid-squirting flower. Accessories are hard to get, so this would be pretty helpful. Adventuring at Cobb's Knob should get me items needed for the Cave adventure, but also some extra autosellable goods to buy Arena wins and drink IPA from the Gnome Area, for which I need the meatcar. Some of the extra firecrackers that drop, could get me another gourd potion. It sounds like I need to use an itemdrop improving familiar. Crimbo Elf Time! The extra gourd potion should help compensate the loss of stats, compared to the Bitten.