Hardcore Happenings


Day Three: Options

Having reached level 5, a lot of options have opened up, and I need to seriously consider what has priority.

The maid:
Quite some extra days still need to be spend, so the benefit of a meat maid is relatively high. A clockwork maid would even be cooler. Adventuring at the Knoll for a maiden wig (and extra meat tank), followed by hunting for clockwork keys and flange is an option.
Difficulty: Hard
Disavantage: Costly in adventures, low meat/food reward

The meat:
I haven't bought any skills, yet. They are expensive buggers. Armed with the Cheshire Bat, I could adventure at the Knob Goblin Treasury for masses of meat, to buy skills, such as Amphibian Sympathy and fighting skills for the higher levels.
Difficulty: Medium
Disadvantage: Costly in adventures, low long-term items/food reward

The food:
Spending adventures to cook is a bitch and a waste. A disembodied brain and a chef's hat would make life easier and give easy access to higher-quality food.
Difficulty: Easy
Disadvantage: Few long-term items.

The long-term:
In the end-game, I'll be needing pixel potions and a Digital Key. Right now, the stat gains from the 8-bit realm are reasonable for my level, so delays from pixelhunting will be minimal.
Difficulty: Hard
Disadvantage: Low meat, low food reward.

The Daily Dungeon:
Another long-term thing is the fact that a lot of people get stuck on the Legend Keys, which will set you back days. The earlier I start spending adventures here, the less delay is likely.
Difficulty: Medium
Disadvantage: Low reward chance. Low meat/food.

I probably can achieve two/three of above goals maximum, so I need to pick them carefully.