Hardcore Happenings


Day 9: Bar Brawling

Overnight, my rank had gone up a bit too much. It was hard to find any good targets anymore. So, I debuffed and soon had been taken down a few notches. I scoured for easy targets. Took 10/10 flowers.

I spent about a dozen adventures to gain some meat for mixing fruits. I spend another dozen to mix the cocktails. Off the top of my head: A calle de miel, perpendicular hula, a slap and tickle, a fuzzbump, two fine wine, a shot of flower schnapps and, as closer, another fuzzbump.*

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 8
Jam Horker
Turns Played (this run): 696
Days Played (this run): 9

Ranking: 140
Fights Won/Lost: 102/55

*still keeping IPA tied as favourite drink