Hardcore Happenings


Day 3: Peaking

This second muscle day, I tried to get as much stats as possible. Farming for knob sausages took a lot of turns though. I finished part of the tr4pz0r and quickly also wrapped up the Baron's quest.

From the pirates, I got myself a funky Pirate Shirt and also 3 spices. One of them was used for spiced rum, the other I can use for cooking tomorrow (delicious spicy noodles).

My drinking was muched improved by the barrel of barrels, but tomorrow I think I'd rather farm the Menagerie level 3. Now that I'm able to drink again, I really notice how much I'm missing out on not being able to cocktailcraft advanced drinks, and that skill has risen on my desired skill. I also think that Rage of the Reindeer is the most prominent skill on my desired list of Seal Clubber skills, rather than Northern Exposure or Claws of the Otter.

The day was finished on the Peak, and I got halfway to level 10, which is pretty good, I guess, although I had secretly been hoping for more. I also didn't get a much-needed DD key.

The PvP changes are interesting. I'm pretty good at the variety of foods and boozes, I thought, which seems to be a new mini-game. 106 different foods, and 77 different boozes. Still that's an easy area to significantly improve in. The best moment to improve here is after a run, and at the end of this run, I'll try to make the time (and liver and stomach) to add some variety. (They say it's the spice of life).

This run seems to be looking pretty good, after all, if I make level 10 tomorrow (likely) and level 11 day after that, I could do a 5-day run! Or a 6-day run. Reality is always a bit more stubborn, but let's try to make it happen with a planning post.