Hardcore Happenings


Drunk As A Turtletamer

In my newfound clanmates, I've discovered a wealth of hardcore ascension information and experience. Thinking about it, I realized that my goal in HC ascension is to explore the game and reap the rewards of them. One of the things I realized is that a lot of HC ascenders will go for the foodmaking skills. In fact, I plan to do the same. But I also want the "Path" tattoos. This considered, I think I might as well go Boozetafarian the first time 'round...it will allow me to benefit from the food-making skills later to full effect.

I also dislike the idea of doubling skills with my softcore. The real dilemma is between Armorcraftiness (my preferred skill) and Amphibian Sympathy (which I already got, softcore). I could replace Amphibian Sympathy with Empathy...but then, I might as well do *two* Turtle Tamer hardcore runs...First run, I could get Empathy, second one the Craftiness. (Rationale: Empathy being more expensive, and useful from turn 1.)

Which leads to a daring ascension schedule.
Hardcore Boozetafarian TT (moxie)->
Softcore No Path (moxie/myst) ->
Softcore Oxy (muscle) ->
Hardcore Oxygenarian TT (myst/muscle) ->
Hardcore No Path PM (myst/moxie) ->
(Undefined Runs ->)
Hardcore Teetotal (muscle/myst)

I wouldn't miss out on my current path reward benefit, I can write any problems off in my first ascension as exploratory gains, in my second to the heaviness of hardcore, and I won't be forced to eat mugcakes in the near future, or ever. Sweet! Also, the first three planned hardcore runs, I would in each situation be able to get +10 on the familiars, come Sorceress time.

The zodiac signs might need some thinking. I'm truly enamoured with the Mind-Control Device, but I also would like to complete the muscle familiars. The muscle area store seems only minimally beneficial, while the Moxie drinking ground, together with the uber-cool shirt skill seems like a plus.

What intrigues me the most, is the fact that once I go down one path, I'm stuck there, and have to suffer the consequences. Picking my cocoabo to go through with me on my first ascension, was a similar annoyance. I didn't make a bad choice, necessarily, but I could have made so much more optimal a choice!