Hardcore Happenings


Keys? Knott Yeti!

The weird feel of adventuring without pressure (or clear goals) continues. I'm just hacking it. Spent 20 adventures in the Haiku Dungeon, just to see if I could get fairy gravy, then just pulled it. Most of my adventures were spent at the Peak. Eventually pulled linoleum ore and goat cheese, just to get over that. Then I found out, I didn't have the 40 myst to equip my pulled eXtreme mittens.

Even donated some to the Hall. The Snowmen Ninjas don't drop meat though, so I simply had to spend a *lot* adventures to get the stats. Discovered that fighting the yeti's was a matter of hairspray. With it on, I could beat them easily. Without it, I would get beat bad. Immediately bought 100 cans of the stuff and put them all on. Cheshire Bat + Polka + Pickpocketing + Nimble Fingers is good meat. Used it to quickly buy the other Gnomish skills as well. Made level 9, in the end, and adventured a bit at the pirates.

Tomorrow I need to get a bit serious about the trophy. My goals will be: Get the epic hat, finish the Rofl'Mao quest and then hunt for keys.