Hardcore Happenings


Day 5: Careful Planning

I'm finally getting the feel that I'm having options and choices.

For tomorrow, day 5, I have several options and also loose ends.

1) Backfarming: I don't have a razor-sharp can lid, nor a spider web for the Tower monsters. And I still want that brain!
2) Meat & Skills: I'm able to take on the Treasury. So I could adventure there and gain a few of the skills on my wishlist.
3) Clovers & Sewers: If it is a clover day tomorrow, I would like to make a small stash of clovers, for various purposes (including possibly spice-farming, as I might get the opportunity to make eggnog, later in the game)
3a) If it's a clover day, I shouldn't forget to take the opportunity to make Disco Banjo.
4) Quests: I might be able to take on the Boss Bat, and I should make a start with preparing to deal with the Goblin King
5) Daily Dungeon: I need all the keys. I'm starting to have a chance with the Dungeon, statwise. Except for mysticality.
6) Pixels: I still need a few pixels for the last red pixel potion and also the Digital Key.
7) Shore & Island: A few trips more to the shore are required to get the Dinghy plans. After that I have access to the Island (Booze & Fruit!). I also would like to have a barbed-wire fence.

Skill/Item Wishlist (Prioritized):
Powers of Observatiogn (5000)
Cocktailcrafting Kit (1000)
Advanced Cocktailcrafting (5000)
Torso Awaregness (5000)
Overdeveloped Sense of Self-Preservation (2000)
Gnefarious Pickpocketing (5000)
Meaty Helmet Turtle (1000 + 1 turn)
Disco Nap (3000)
Disco Eye-Poke (1000)

This should give me a few things to do tomorrow. Prioritizing the various options, I'm thinking: 3a,6,1,3,4,5,2,7
Although I can't possibly get them all done in one day. Nor when doing 2 should I continue until I've finished the complete wishlist...