Hardcore Happenings


Groovy Sounds

Life as an AT ain't bad, especially not, if you're truly taking it easy.

I've chilled my way up to level 6, trying not to forget too many important things. I'm almost level 7. I'm more concerned with chat (and kicking obnoxious people out), than with gameplay.

I missed out on Easter, but did get the new KWE stuff. It looks like a game on itself, especially due to the artwork. I hope it won't distract too much from the main game.

For PvP, I bully low, low, low levels. I'm such a meanie.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Squeezebox Scoundrel
Turns Played (this run): 368
Days Played (this run): 8


Sharp Turn

I'm ditching the Resistance Runs in favour of going Oxy. I need more Real Life time, so Oxy is the best choice. I will get Double-fisted Skullsmashing, after which I'm going to continue as AT Oxy. My first Hardcore AT run :-)



That is, gaming on my new Powerbook G4 12". Here's a link. It's pretty sweet, although not fun to play KoL (which is quite the clickaroo-fest) with just a touchpad mouse. So, I plugged in a USB mouse and that went hitchless.

I also installed Firefox and Adium and I was impressed how easy it is to install applications in OS X. You just drag it into the application folder and you're set. That easy.

KoL-wise, I'm up to level 8, but just playing casually. I didn't have the stamina to take on the Bonerdragon, so I took a headstart with the tr4pz0r quest.



Day 1: Yet Another Hardcore, yah!

Another hardcore, another sealclubber, another try to get dual-wielding. Just taking it slowly, although I got to level 5 on the first day.

My birthday was great fun, especially the contest.

I kept the Shieldbutt skill softcore. I'm now thinking the following HC Ascension runs: Seal Clubber for Dual-Wielding, Turtle Tamer for Skin of the Leatherback, DB for Sense of Self-preservation and then AT Oxy.

I just thought of the possibility there might be a trophy for having all resistances HC...hmmm....I could do that. But it would mean, again, failing to achieve dual-wieldiness. Let's see. SC for Northern Exposure -> TT for Cold-Blooded Fearlessness -> DB for Heart of Polyester -> PM for Tolerance of the Kitchen -> S for Dimished Gag Reflex.

We'll see how I feel at the end of this HC run :-)