Hardcore Happenings


Day 6: Bean there. Done that.

I ate four spicy enchanted bean burritos and even an insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito. Which promptly delivered me Indigestion. Woohoo! Booze-wise, it was another IPA-fest.

Otherwise, it's been general mucking about, but quite progressively. I did level up again today, and completed all the goals of yesterday. I changed plans again and did adventure for the beanie, instead of the all-purpose flower. I did adventure at the Treasury for meat, so I could afford Amphibian Sympathy. Sadly, not even a sign of the Infinite Meat Bug, I do sometimes wonder if there's some trick to that.

The Daily Dungeon gave the key I needed, so they are all accounted for, as are Pixel Potions and the Digital Key. I also have a skeleton key and bone rattle, already, even though I just unlocked the Cyrpt today. It required two attempts at the life of the King, but he's gone as well.

The Deep Fat Friars are still a bit out of luck, because I didn't even get one of the 3 items. The "tough" monster from each area is still too strong for me, although I easily wipe the floor with the various Imps. Pirates are also too strong.

Every time I got beat up, I shored for muscle. That did net me the anticheese, which ensured me having a cottage at my campsite.

I may not have powerplayed the most efficiently, but I had tonnes of fun spending my adventures as I did and enough to show for it. I'm currently thinking what goals to set next, especially skills-wise, because I still don't have a lot of those, while quest-wise the path has a certain logical linearity to it.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Iguana Driver
Turns Played (this run): 601
Days Played (this run): 6