Hardcore Happenings


Day 8: Drunk Deliberations

So, with all that jazz happening on day 7, I need to take a good look at my goals and options for day 8.

First of all, the diamond studded cane might be giving Moxie +9, but suddenly I'm striking with my muscle, which is decent, instead of my moxie, which is excellent. I've had a few "fight too long" versus the hellions. I'm aiming for a crossbow instead. Also, my campground house sucks a bit. Of course, a power-player should not even need to rest at all, but I'm not such a power-player. I want a comfy place. Upgrading to cottage or barskin tent would be nice, but costs adventures. A pagoda is right out for a Boozetafarian. I can set my hopes on success with the hippies, I'd like to have a beanbag as well as good Feng Shui. Then all I have to do is get to level 9 for the House.

Goals-wise, I have adjusted a little, but not much.
1) Meat & Skills
The wishlist is a bit absurd, even though I struck off the first two. It requires so much meat, that I might just as well announce already that it won't happen 'till I finish the level 8 and 9 quests. Also, the level 8 skill (Mad Looting) is a new priority. I'll still post the wishlist, but it's to be taken with a grain of salt. Luckily, meat is starting to drop in more serious quantities from regular adventures.
2) Daily Dungeon
I still need Jarlsberg and Sneaky Pete Key. The Dungeon only poses minor problems. Mostly, I've got a lack of resistances and a somewhat low mysticality.
3) Clovers & Spices
I need a serious amount of clovers, mostly for Sneaky Pete's day...I just don't want to waste a stat day on them. I still need at least 3 more. If I do get them, I should combine them with spice cycles for the possible spiced rum/eggnogg jummyness.
4) Cyrpt-Quest
The Cyrpt needs to be cleared of the Bonerdagon. I do have a chance at adventuring there and undefiling the nooks and crannies, but the Bonerdagon is a real tough cookie. I might be better off attempting to make a start with the Trapper quest before confronting him.
5) Shore & Island: I have the dinghy plans. With the planks I can visit there. It gives great access to cocktail ingredients (boozes and fruit). The island also provides herbs for the kentucky-fried meat crossbow I want.
6) Items on backfarm: I don't have a disease, nor the barbed-wire fence

Skill/Item Wishlist (Prioritized):
Kentucky-Fried Meat Crossbow. (herbs)
Advanced Cocktailcrafting (5000)
Mad Looting Skillz (8000)
Torso Awaregness (5000)
Overdeveloped Sense of Self-Preservation (2000)
Gnefarious Pickpocketing (5000)
Meaty Helmet Turtle (1000 + 1 turn)
Disco Nap (3000)
Disco Eye-Poke (1000)
Nimble Fingers (6000)