Hardcore Happenings


Day 11: Ridiculously Meticulous Planning

First of all, the following will be checked:
Bounty Hunter Hunter Bounties.
Brewery drinks.

Also, tomorrow is a muscle day. My muscle doesn't need particularly boosting, so boozewise, I should research moxie-options. Because three things are important, moxie, moxie and moxie. That's what it is all about. Not that there's that much that I can do. Fight Yeti/Donate at the Hall, up the Beanstalk, to the Giants, turn the wheel counter-clockwise (twice), fight the stars, turn the wheel clockwise.

I'm quite certain that to fight the stars, orangish aphrodisiacs will do on their own. About 6 to 8 of them will be enough. With what I've saved, there's no need to farm for them.

An agressive PvP stance won't hurt, seeing as end-game is close. I should wait 'till the very last though.

For a planning post, this is pretty crap, but that's what I can come up with.