Hardcore Happenings


Eight new zones

The second day after their introduction, it's still buzzing. Which is good, because yesterday, my modem crapped out!

The up-the-stairs area is a good place to gather stats, and I've managed to unlock a lot of content (with and without spoilers). I've got a cool new tattoo, and am very close to getting the new bony familiar. *thrill*

I'm also in the early stages of level 14.

The content is, in all, very good and interesting to see how the new foodstuffs will fit into the game. I'm leaving that to the true spaders, however. The one thing that dissapoints me is the clover adventures. They seem too underpowered.

I'm sure there's a Trophy hidden there as well. I imagine for Perming all the "Spooky" skills. Six New Skills!

Tomorrow, I'll try to level up to 15 and ascend. Let the Mansion be the mansion, until I run across it in-game.


I've got a new familiar, and named him McCoy (you know, after "Bones" McCoy!)