Hardcore Happenings



So...slowly gymming and pvp-ing myself to the top. 10*~70 = 700 substats due to that a day. Which is not even half a point now, but still, it's a bunch of stats.

I was quite preoccupied with real life affairs, as my sister is in hospital with pneumonia, and the Dutch election yielded a rather baffling result. Even though I'm not of the same political colour as Mr. Zalm, his analysis is pretty spot on, if a bit sour grapes.

To focus on KoL. Bored.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 27 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 4,492
Days Played (this run): 16
You must gain 28 Mysticality to advance to level 28.

I need about 140 fullstats to reach level 30, which is about 200k substats left. Should be able to achieve most significant progress next myst day, and at or after that day ascend. I think I'll keep Way of the Sauce, instead of Impetuous Sauciness.