Hardcore Happenings


Bedroom Victory!


I made it.

Using all tricks and potions and Yuletide carols and every snowcone I had left as efficiently as possible, I made it right through the airship, castle and Hole in the Sky, with a sizeable amount of adventures to spare.

My stats, especially my offstats being not very impressive, I chose to visit the Bedroom, rather than the Gallery. Even though it took half a dozen adventures in the Library, it gave me rather good offstat leveling. Using the Gallery to boost my mainstat and back to the bedroom for the final moxie point, I worked my way up the tower with a sombrero, to get as high boosts as possible.

Up the top, I lacked a single point of muscle, which was easily gained in the bedroom again. I had blown my zapping wand on a spider web, so I went in against the Sorceress without a furry suit. Or many +melee damage.
Outfit: Mohawk wig, goth kid shirt, vampire-duck-on-a-string, teh weapon, penguinskin mini-skirt, club necklace, giant pinky ring, hametyst necklace.

At one point, it got rather close, because I wasn't paying attention to my HP, and the fight was a bit more bitter than I thought (she killed a lot of my Doc Galaktik's), but nonetheless, it was a walkover.

4 days, 717 turns. I had done it.
15 clovers to level up to 12, this time I *did* buy the skill and I was in Ascension land.

What a nice Crimbo present :-)

From my record:
59 12/24/06 12 Sauceror Platypus 732 4 Ancient Yuletide Troll (94%) Hardcore