Hardcore Happenings


Day 9 & 10: Easy does it?

My plans for day 9 and 10 are simple. Nothing. Completely nothing? Well...I might want to maximize turns by drinking and there's that Daily Dungeon affair, that needs to be taken care off. And oh yeah, Advanced Cocktailcrafting would be neat to have. And to maximize turns, I'd also want bottles of booze to take advantage of that skill. And the Mad Looting Skill might make the bottles drop faster.

Okay, I might rather make an easy does it plan.

First of all, I want the Advanced Cocktailcrafting skill. Fighting the goats will give fast meat and booze, if lucky. But I need to get through the mines, first.
Basically, I have two options:
1) Raid the Treasury.
- Quick, assured way of getting Advanced Cocktailcrafting
- extremely minute chance of ultra-rare encounter
- No booze to actually mix with
- minor stat gains only
b) Help the Trapz0r.
- decent stats
- needs to be done anyway
- chance of booze
- meat might not be gained so fast
- costly in adventures, which I want to save for stat day

All in all? I'm executing plan B. But I should remind myself that the second I hit 5k meat, I should buy Advanced Cocktailcrafting. And from there on, I'll only adventure to get booze.

Extra note: Since my main booze will be bottles of whiskey, my little paper umbrellas should be used to make Roll-in-the-Hay's. These drinks should be saved for myst day as well, and be compensated by drinking from the Microbrewery.