Hardcore Happenings


Day 9: Hardly Easy

I spent most of this day beat up. It took a few turns to get the gear, but I made enough meat of the Dwarves to afford the Advanced Cocktailcrafting.

Seeing as how mining turns don't generate stat points anyway, I thought I'd breeze through that. Except for the cave-ins and bad luck. I had also heard the (superstition) that carryin a ten-leaf clover would reduce cave-ins. So, after a chrome and some asbestos ore, the roof came down, and I was beat up. I thought I'd spend my adventures in the sewer...bye-bye clover!

Anyway, I did take the opportunity to gather 3 worthless trinkets, so I'll have my trinket supply ready come next clover day. I alternated getting beat up by cave-ins by getting beat-up by exploding barrels, to gather the bottles of booze for the cocktails. If only I could reach those goats.

I currently am drunk past my limit, beat up for a few turns and have 2 pieces of linoleum ore.

I also forgot to run the Daily Dungeon. At least I have 24 adventures saved up.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 8
Jam Horker
Turns Played (this run): 702
Days Played (this run): 9

Rundown tomorrow, first in list is first to be done, if possible:
1) Daily Dungeon
2) Create Advanced Cocktails
3) Fight goats
4) Gather linoleum ore (max of 3.)
5) Go on moxie holiday!
6) Raid the Goblin Treasury