Hardcore Happenings


Day 11: Ridiculously little playing

I boozed, I adventured, I made a handful of mistakes and decided to call it quits, because it was going too well.

It being muscle day, my muscle points were really stacking up too fast. I wasn't looking at the possibility of Ascending, so I decided to call it quits after level 10 and focus on some PvP-ing. In which I made the perfect 13 attacks for 13 flowers run. One fight was won on mini's alone, but for the rest, I was just grooving.

Tomorrow, with the extra booze and roll-over turns, I have a good chance of actually making it to Ascension, although it could be close. Even though Muscle Day is behind me , I'm still going Seal Clubber (packrat sign), so that I'll have a good start in my first Oxycore, after that.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10
Vibe Robber
Turns Played (this run): 932
Days Played (this run): 11

Ranking: 160
Fights Won/Lost: 132/62