Hardcore Happenings


Day 5: Dallying in the snow.

Throughout all the lag, and real-life business, I've been able to make some progress. Although obviously very sub-optimal. I did enjoy it. When not being timed out, that is.

Old habits die hard too. So I've got the Pixel stuff, two DD keys, killed the Goblin King (and didn't forget the MCD, this time). I'm not 100% sure that the Cape (+7 moxie) is better than the Crown (+10 muscle), but it's not bad, that *is* for sure.

I also managed to beat the Deep Fat Friar's and drop the path. Now, Crimbo Town is another advantage, because not only did I eat the horribly candy food there, just to not totally waste everything, but I did have a cheap, accessible source of booze. I'm up to 19 drunkeness, on an incredible sugar rush :-)

Other notable tricks: I've gotten access to the Island and Hippy Shop. I've landed myself a supportive bra. (Go bra!) And, I forgot to kill my hippy stone before overdrinking, so I could PvP here and there.

Nonetheless, I can go to bed satisfied that I've got way too many turns to play tomorrow, that I'm incredibly slow, but that I'm not in a horrible, horrible position to slightly salvage the run over Christmas.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Narwhal Pummeler
Turns Played (this run): 425
Days Played (this run): 5

p.s. Tiny Plastic Crimbo Elf! Yay!