Hardcore Happenings


Day 16: So close, yet so far away.

When I logged in, I was faced with 20 (!) attack messages. The net effect of them was that I had gained 4 ranks. Pretty cool :-)

No clover, I had to gain just a few stats. And I got a guitarrr from the pirates. Getting past the skeleton key door was boring, however. Roll, fail, repeat until low HP, heal, repeat. Then, the hedge maze took a lot of turns. The first two tower monsters also were stuff that I didn't have (sonar-in-a-biscuit, frigid ninja stars). I ran out of adventures, before I acquired the stars.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 11
Crocodile Lord
Turns Played (this run): 825
Days Played (this run): 16

With one Hatorade and a bunch of boosting, I tried to be as conservative as possible, in my targets. Still, only 12/14 and a major loss of rank. So sad. I'm keeping the pike equipped overnight, so that means 23 attacks tomorrow! Woot!

PvP Ranking: 99
Fights Won: 204/109