Hardcore Happenings


No Jarlsberg Key

So...no Jarlsberg key, for the rest of the day, I merely fiddled around.

Drop rates were awful, even with a Crimbo Elfling and a miner's helmet. I simply couldn't get the knob goblin elite guards to drop their pants.

I'm also short one star chart.

And a muscle point.

Stats were the last thing on my mind, though. Ascending will be a formality, as soon as I get that key :-/

In the meantime I can prepare to get items for the tower.
Beer batter: baseball: check.
Big Meat Golem: meat vortex: check
Bowling cricket: sonar-in-a-biscuit: fail
Electron Submarine: photoprotoneutron torpedo: check
Enraged Cow: barbed-wire fence: fail
Fickle Finger of F8: razor-sharp can lid: fail
Flaming Samurai: frigid ninja stars: fail
Giant Desktop Globe: NG: fail
Ice Cube: can of hairspray: check
Pretty Fly: spider web: fail
Tyrannosaurus Tex: chaos buttefly: check
Vicious Easel: disease: fail

First I'll get the "easy" ones, then get that extra lowercase N and lastly, I might even start shoring for that piece of fence. I've also considered I could take the "opportunity" to work on the Hippy trophy.

Let's just hope for the DD to be friendly to me...