Hardcore Happenings


Return of the Yendorian

So, quite some time in Prague and now back to play 200 turns in Oxycore. (Long story short: finished Seal Clubber, took thrust-smacking, now am Turtle Tamer OXY).

I didn't get quite as far as I'd like, mostly because I keep falling in this dumb old traps. Such as forgetting my motto: "Nothing ever drops.".

I was trying to get a knob goblin elite outfit, so that I could enjoy learning pills while fighting non-meatdropping monsters, such as the pixel monsters. Except the outfit doesn't drop. Apparently drop rate is about 4% (or lower). So my boostings probably don't get it up to 6%. And then considering that meeting a guard is probably around 40%, which means that only 2.5% or so (crap math) of adventures there will yield a particular item. Ugh, now that I typed it out, it seems even more awful than the experience. I did get 2 out of 3 parts, and some double, but you need at least one of each of the items. At least you have 3 chances at each.

My better bet is to get a wand and zap the outfit.

I did get a meat maid and other fun stuff. I should make a better plan to progress. Oxy is slower than it had been in my imagination.

And all that considered, there is also *new* stuff. Apparently the "Yendorian Platinum Credit Card" *is* an ultra-rare, there are new food and smithing recipes (don't care much about the former, but I do about the latter) and there's a new fun mr. store familiar, which I probably won't use all that much, but I like the idea.

I also spent some time considering my future runs, I'll post a nice list in the next post.