Hardcore Happenings


Home Improvement

No, I didn't get an upgraded campground dwelling, although the TP has disappeared. It's just that I spent my time doing RL-improvement and it is looking good!

Gamewise I got another WWSPD?-bracelet, some snowcones, some hilarious items (smash!). I got 24 out of 25 flowers (grrr, bad mini's on one...another stat setback).

And I pondered on my future Ascensions. I think I want to take a shot at level 30 as soon as possible. For that I need the skills I elaborated in my previous post.

In the end, this is the plan I came up with:
Current run: Keep: Snarl of the Timberwolf
Next run: HC Boozetafar, Seal Clubber, Marmot sign, keep Claws of the Otter
Next: HC Boozetafar, Disco Bandit, Marmot sign, keep Smooth Movements
Next: HC Boozetafar, Sauceror, Oppossum sign, go for Level 30 after beating her Naughtiness, keep Impetuous Sauciness

After getting two out of five resistances, I'm thoroughly disenchanted with those, that I don't really care about completing the set soon. Actually, I'd rather get straightforward passive defenses (Skin of the Leatherback, Hide of the Otter and Walrus).