Hardcore Happenings


Day 6: Sewers & Smithing

I did complete the Daily Dungeon, but not smoothly at the first run. The final treasure *was* a Sneaky Pete's Key, so that was pretty cool. With todays gains in stats, I'm quite sure that any subsequent run will be far easier.

When you want to defeat the Goblin King, there is a pesky problem. You have to wear crappy gear to get close. You can carry a huge weapon, no problems, but you have low-power pants and hat. I wonder where you hide the weapon? ...nevermind. A good test is to fight a monster in the first level of the menagerie in the particular outfit. They are of similar strength to the Goblin King. I failed miserably, so I didn't even attempt for real.

Instead, I went for the sewer plan. With two trinkets in reserve, the spoils were splendid. The meaty helmet turtle was smithed, and I subsequently shored my way to Island access, with the added bonus of barbed wire. I had to run from a pirate, and the hippies were a bit strong as well. I did manage to snag some herbs, which together with sewer spices, made for a Kentucky Fried Meat Sword. With basic meat pants for 200 spent meat, my equipment upgrade was complete.

The menagerie monster still owned me. I ended up simply being a bit wasteful with meat, buying Tequila with Training Wheels from the Microbrewery (Hey, it was tequila!), instead of going all IPA. Another 2k went to the Leatherback skill. Still not strong enough for the King, though.

From my stated goals, only the Council Quests remain. The King is too strong, The Friars are too demanding, and I don't even have access to the Cyrpt yet. The Island is out of my league.

Accomplishments a plenty, yet inertia creeps.

Still, I don't want this day to end on a bad note. I, again, learned a couple two very valuable lessons about clovers:
- A great way to raise meat for those high-value skills and equipment.
- Granted, I only learned this one after I looked it up, *after* I had failed to cook today with the jabanero pepper, but farming the sewers for spices will double the stat bonus from burrito's. Considering today was mysticality day, that would help a lot. It's even very efficient on non-mysticality days, so next clover day, I will farm for them :D