Hardcore Happenings


Day 9: Pre-emption

The moons are aligning. Moxious!

Even though I said this before, the Daily Dungeon should really be a cake-walk under this lunary constellation. My plan is to swiftly sneak through it, before I retreat myself to my campground cottage. There, in an act of clever disguise, I will don some hairspray, dab on some perfume, slip into a harem girl outfit and set off to kill a King.

My recently, and somewhat unintendedly, acquired access to the hippy store has ensured me a supply of cocktail fruit. Combined with impending visits to a certain bunch of rum-smuggling pirates and a particular group of booze-laden orcs, this seems like an excellent opportunity to acquire a cocktailcrafting kit. Or even an entire bartender-in-a-box. Especially because my chef-in-a-box has started to make clunking sounds, I need to adventure for that gear anyway. Although I might postpone it 'till after moxie day, in order to avoid the low-gain area's.

And then there's the Fat Friars. Still in need of my help. Willing to teach me secrets in return for my help. In due time....in due time.