Hardcore Happenings


Day 11: Camp Base Camp

It's day 11, already...It's ridiculous, it's not even funny.

Charting my progress and looking back, I see where I could have shaved off some adventures, but not more than a day or so. Okay, maybe two days, but I'd have missed out on the experience of Hardcore. For it has been that, an experience.

My first task of the day is still the Daily Dungeon. *crosses fingers for luck*

I'm really upbeat about the whole affair from there on, actually, although I already fear the Hole-in-the-Sky, but let's not get ahead of schedule just yet. I finished last day's wrap-up with stating I could already "smell the Yeti's", which is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm still at the base of Mt. McLargeHuge. I think I'm not going to switch to the Crimbo Elfling, after all. The goatlet is the first place that gives good meat, and I have a back catalogue of skills to buy. The stats are good, I don't need healing, the meat is plentiful and the drops are not bad. I can certainly stay there untill the RNG has deemed me worthy enough to supply 6 goat cheeses, without trying to manipulate it.

Once I pass it, though, I think I will take the Crimbo Elfling (and the choice adventures) to the eXtreme slope, for speedy acquisition of the Cold Weather Gear. Only a few of the adventures there are combat adventures, and not all of them drop meat. I should not forget to hop-skip over to the other slope, to take some frigid ninja stars. Also, this would be a great moment to go back to the Pirates and snap up the guitarrr that I did not acquire yesterday. With any luck, I'll get some rum as well.

Next stop: The Icy Peak!
Now, that will really get interesting. Taking the Cheshire Bat (of course), will I be able to stand up to the hairy brutes that roam there? Will I be able to make enough to heal myself, while making good headways statwise. Will I need to resort to desperate measures?

But that's just the easy part of figuring out what to do. There are some dilemma's too:

a) Reaching level 9. If this happens, I get the Valley Quest, which is a high-damage, low reward area. Do I immediately go for it, armed with the Elfling, to solve the quest and reap the rewards? Or do I farm at the Peak first? I'll probably go for the second, and keep that up if I don't get my butt kicked, then return to the Peak with the Bat to up my stats.

b) Torso Awaregness. I could (quite easily) get a Pirate Shirt, which is a nice moxie booster. And I plan on getting it anyway, in order to make a Goth Kid Shirt drop. It's 5000 meat down the drain however, which could go to other worthy skills. Since Torso Awaregness is pretty cool, I'm very tempted. Although Powers of Observatiogn is cool too.

c) Food. My reserves of food have drained a little, and my Chef has been making noises for two days, straight. I might need to farm for parts and ingredients. It might not be clover day tomorrow. Do I eat low quality food (hot wings, goat cheese pizza and perhaps spam witch sammitches), or do I spice up a few enchanted bean burrito's and go look for a brain? I'm actually thinking I better live on the land, than farm - my ingredients won't run away.

d) Strange Leaflet & Stat Script. If I reach level 9, it's not unlikely that I'll get my paws on the Strange Leaflet and the Stat Script either. Do I use the big stat bonuses immediately, or save them 'till mysticality day? I'm leaning towards using them immediately. After all, if I haven't ascended before day 14 of this run (which is Mysticality day), chances are that I'll have reached the Giant Castle by then. Which means I could turn the chore wheel to provide myst adventures.