Hardcore Happenings


Extra-curricular action

Today, I was bored. Not being able to spend those adventures, I looked for other stuff to do. So, I lost all my liquid meat (+- 15 million) on rafflebot with my trading multi. At least I bought some mafia wines before doing something that stupid, so I didn't squander that meat.

Let's see that as a valuable lesson.

On a less stupid note. I broke my PvP stone. Hardcore player-versus-player is very friendly. When you are attacked, you can lose or gain "rank". Rank being an intangible thing, having no effect on your ascension progression. When you attack, I don't know the punishment for a loss, yet reckon it's a small stat penalty, but you can win "rank" or a pretty flower. The pretty flower being actually useful for your ascension.

I got attacked twice, (had to ask for it) and lost some rank. I might attack a sure victim tomorrow (or later), for a flower. The "flower power" bonus is better than goofballs!