Hardcore Happenings


Day 4: Tower Rush!

A few adventures in the Castle gave me level 11. I thought I could breeze up to the very tip of the tower, before hitting the limitations of my secondaries.

I was wrong. Star Buckler requires a mysticality of 67. So, I adventured in the castle, donated to Jarlsberg and then went on to the yard and tower.
Fighting the Topiary Golems only had me beat up once (SGEEA + scroll), and I didn't even need to take goofballs. Going up the tower, I had deliberately left two items unpulled, hoping they wouldn't appear. Of course, on the first tower level, one of them was required...so I pulled them both.

When I reached the top, I was still lacking in mysticality. I didn't have many adventures, so I pulled mauve paisley oyster eggs. Checking my stats, I saw that a single adventure in a high-level area would be enough to reach the mysticality requirement. I tried the fantasy airship, hoping for a photoneutron torpedo, or a scroll of drastic healing. It dropped another SGEEA...figures.

The code was figured out on the first attempt, the bolt reflected, the Shadow dissolved. The skills that I had gained from my previous runs meant that the familiar battles were a simple matter of pulling the appropiate familiar items. Instant level 20. Then I prepared for the Sorceress battle. I still had some wussiness potions, some plotholes. I used my last pulls for a extra pair of flaming talons, an acid-squirting flower and furry pants. I fully healed HP/MP and went in there with my dodecapede at my side. The fight itself was tense, because a record depended upon my winning it, but was fairly fast. I never dropped below 40HP, and most of my elixirs went unblocked. My plot holes didn't connect as much as I liked, nor did my special attacks. In the end, I basically clubbed her to death with the Wand of Nagamar. Seeing how I'm a Seal Clubber, that's probably just appropiate :-)

With only a handful adventures left...Ascension

Seal Clubber
The Platypus
Turns: 486
Days: 4
Path: Normal, Oxygenarian

Time to take a breather ;-)