Hardcore Happenings


Day 9: The Great Day

Well-prepared, that's what I am.

Tomorrow will be the day of the great stat boosters. Leaflet code, 1337 h4xx0r and bonerdagon chest. I'll have nearly 200 adventures to start with, supplemented by +- 75 adventures from chow mein eating. And about another 30 or so, at least, from drinking. So that's 300 adventures to make a leap to the End of this game.

1) Leaflet code
2) Eat rat appendix chow meins
3) Wipe clean the Cyrpt. Use the chest and equip the badass belt. (use meat to buy Powers of Observatiogn)
4) Get the Dictionary
5) Attain xTreme Cold Weather Gear to fulfill tr4pz0r quest. (Use meat for Pickpocketigng)
6) Valley of Rofl'Mao: summon 1337 h4xx0r, use the scripts
7) Valley of Rofl'Mao: Transport to the Castle Gates
8) Hurt Yeti, till level 10 presents itself.
9) Up the beanstalk into the Airship
10) Through the Airship onto the castle
11) It's ridiculous, not even funny. Look back a bit to backfarm/boozefarm/foodfarm.

That's about as far as I'm willing to look ahead. I might not get that far, I might get further, but right now I can't assess the situation I'll be in. Going through nearly the entirety of level 9 and far into level 10 seems a bit of an optimistic view, as it is.

I'll not unlikely gain a fair amount of meat, so here's the wishlist:
Powers of Observatiogn (5000)
Gnefarious Pickpocketign (5000)
eXtreme Ray of Something (4000)
Kickback Cookbook (4000)
Springy Fusilli (6000)
Torso Awaregness (5000)
Spirit of Ravioli (9000)
Cone of Whatever (8000) / Weapon of the Pastalord (10000)
2nd Kickback Cookbook (4000)
Leash of Linguini (11000)
4rd Kickback Cookbook (4000)