Hardcore Happenings


Day 6: Player versus Player

Overnight, I had been attacked by many, but few had succeeded. In fact, so few had succeeded that I could hardly attack any worthy PvP targets.

So I adventured, and chatmodded, the adventuring was a nice boost, I made level 9, did all the statsy things, got a house (good for PvP!) and got through the Rof'l Valley, even made level 10 and spent like five turns in the Airship. The chatmodding however got me WANG'ed (bad for PvP!).

Buffing up a bit, I continued to do some tough and less tough PvP-battles. My mini-games are really worthless against the more skilled PvP'ers and when you only win 2 out of 3 statmatches, you need them to be better. I salute Hojo Hominygrits and MeGrimlock as the adversaries which *nearly* got me rid of my level 10 status. I lost one fight to MeGrimlock and two attempts to Hojo. With one extra fight from Hatorade, that meant I got a score of 8/11 today.

At least in the Airship now, I will get soft-green echo eyedrops. Nice to get rid of Apathy, Poisoned and being "WANG"-ed. It's pretty lame and hurts me in my PvP efforts, but little can be done about it.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10
Moose Harasser
Turns Played (this run): 810
Days Played (this run): 6

I will also include PvP details, at least today, I think.
At end of adventuring:
Ranking: 122
Fights won/lost: 72/37

p.s. My tattoo had been, awkwardly enough, the hippy peace sign all along. I've changed it to the Gnauga, which is way more appropiate for my PvP-y flowerlust.