Hardcore Happenings


Captain Pantsless

Yesterday evening, I had a farewell happening for myself and several colleagues, who are all moving on to new jobs and opportunities.

This morning, I spent my KoL turns in a rather trancelike, focused state, just *flowing* through my turns. That was really enjoyable.

Random Observations
- Especially this run, I simply don't have enough turns to make it a 4-day teetotal. I will comfortably make 5 days. If I had gotten stomach on day 2, it would've been better, I suppose.
- Being a muscle sign turns you into some sort of Bubba of mushrooms. Mushroom pasta, mushroom kebab, plain mushroom, stuffed mushroom, mushroom stir-fry, mushroom quesedilla, mushroom soup, mushroom everything.
- During this run, so far, I've had one pair of pants drop. Knob goblin harem girl pants (power: 10, moxie +1). Now, really. Unless you count the pair of mariachi pants (power: 10) from the sewer as a drop. I've been visiting the Armorer for pants, and am currently wearing a troutpiece.
- Meat is plentiful as mysticality class. You don't spend shitwads on soda water. Heck, it's cheaper to Tongue of the Otter myself than go to the Doc. I've managed to spare 9,000 on buying Spirit of Ravioli (a perm-candidate).
- Perming CLEESH was a good move. It gives easier access to the Gallery, and also better survival in the Gallery. While I could only two-hit kill, and the monster got the jump on me, I just CLEESHed him into a frog and squashed it. Hilarious and effective.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10 Ravioli Sorcerer
Turns Played (this run): 369
Days Played (this run): 3
Sign: The Mongoose
Path: Teetotaler (Hardcore)

p.s. Other perm-skill candidates are Canneloni Cocoon and Springy Fusilli. I'm slowly starting to feel the need to get more +iniative. Both are just too useful over Manicotti Meditation for that to be a serious candidate. It's a good 2nd-tier skill to keep, though.