Hardcore Happenings


Day 15: Disco Dancing to my Doom!

Actually, not my doom, unless ascending is considered being doomed.

First of all, indeed no Sneaky Pete Day. What sadness, but other affairs trumped the matter.

My moxie had been thus increasing that I was able to easily stand my ground in the Castle. I turned the wheel and completed the Giant Castle Map Quest. Which gave me access to the hole. I didn't even need to PvP people. Spiky Hair and Sugar Rush, combined with Disco Face Stabs got me through the hole in a decent amount of time and with no too many beatings. Once I got the Star Crossbow, things started going even better.

I did have to adventure some in the Hole still, after reaching level 11, but it was of little consequence. I had amazing luck with the hedge maze puzzle. The first Topiary Golem I met dropped a puzzle and no golems showed up to steal it back, at all! So I solved the hedge maze in one adventure.

The tower was routine. I did get the enraged cow, which kind of vindicates my extra trips to the shore, I suppose. The trickiest bit was leveling my familiars, but thanks to the tool from Xylpher, it went pretty smooth.

I faced the Naughty Sorceress with worries. I had enough meat to buy 20 Homeopathic Elixirs and I equipped myself with the furry suit, the wand, a goth kid shirt, a flaming talon, dirty hobo gloves and the ITLAPD Pirate Hook. I still was worried. JLE however gave me a golden piece of advice: "Disco Dance of Doom". I autosold a bunch of penguin skins, which I still had hold of (I planned to sell them to the Bounty Hunter Hunter) and got this skill. It had always seemed so usesless to me, but hey, I don't know much about Disco Bandits.

It worked like a charm against the Sorceress. The Disco Dances luckily connected. Her first incarnation hit me for 4 HP, when she hit me, and the second for 6 or 7 HP. Cracking her skull with the wand and helped by attacks from the dodecapede I made pretty short work of her. With a blocking rate of 66% or so, I could still easily heal, when necessary, and didn't use any other item than the Elixirs. It was far more easy than I had worried about. Hurray!

I spent a handful of turns I had left farming the Peak, and then jumped into the gash.

Keypunch (#30036)
Disco Bandit
The Packrat
Ascended in: 1,339 turns spread out over 15 days
Hardcore, Boozetafarian