Hardcore Happenings


Day 2: Moxious Macaroni?

Planning the second day?

Well, let's see. We're in the "Early Phase". Although I'm on the verge of breaking through, I feel.
"- In the Early Phase, you are low on meat, any skill and piece of equipment is precious. Food/Drink is scarce. Quests are easy or out of your league."

1) Meat. I need meat for spells, like a low-level damaging spell. I also need meat for MMJ, although I should gain access to my guild shop first, then.
Powers of Observatiogn and Torso Awaregness are also desirable.
I think meat will be the most limiting factor, and there's nothing much that can be done about this tomorrow. Having that smile-sharpening stone for the Cheshire Bat should make a minor difference, though.
2) Food & Drink
Drink is easy, I can drink IPA. If I start to make serious meat, I could buy all-purpose flower. For now, I'll have to adventure at Degrassi Knoll, and hope for dough. I'll slay beanbats for now, for burrito's.
3) Chef-in-the-box
I already have the hat, the oven and a spring. I still need a box, smart skull and a brain.
4) Meat Maid
I already have the skirt, the ingredients for a meat engine and a maiden wig. Still need a brain and a skull.
5) Daily Dungeon
At the end of tomorrow, I might have stats which give me a chance in the Dungeon. I already have stench resistance and decent mysticality.

Most important of all, I need to start off tomorrow drinking the two remaining bottles of single-barrel whiskey. After that I aim to farm for enchanted burrito's first. I should not forget to check for clovers (and hence, spices) at the Hermit. My main drink will be IPA, and later in the day I can attempt to farm brains and skulls, as well as perhaps test my performance in the Daily Dungeon.