Hardcore Happenings


Day 8: Scrumptious Planning

So, I now have the scrumptiousness. It allows for the second-best foods, after chow mein. Also, for reagent potions, which I need to study a bit.

The scrumptious noodle foods are:
Spaghetti with Skullheads, with knob sausage for Muscle
Gnochetti di Nietschze, with knob mushroom for Mysticality
Fettucini Inconnu, with goat cheese for Moxie
If I ever get a knob mushroom, it seems to be easily worth it to farm for a bat wing, and have chow mein instead. Knob sausage is more easily farmed and makes for a promising dish. Goat cheese is truly in easy supply, if somewhat late in the game. So I see Fettucini becoming a new staple favourite for the endgame.

The plan for tomorrow is straightforward:
Run the Daily Dungeon for that final %$#% key. Waste time getting caved in upon. After that I'm a bit stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Orcs and Goats out-moxie me. The monsters in the Cyrpt are in my league, but I don't want to get my ass kicked by the mini-bosses. I could spend extra time not in disguise at the mine. The meat is good, especially now I have Eggstortionary tactics from the Oyster Eggs.
I'm actually making progress with that wishlist. Once I get the high-level damage skill, or a cookbook, I can start abandoning the moxie-path.

Things to do while beaten up from mining:
back farming for disease or spider web
leveling up Twitch (Attention-Deficit Demon)
Knob Goblin Treasury

Gnome Skills (2x5000)
Other Guild Skills (2000+4000+6000)
Kickback Cookbook (4000)
Cocktailcrafting kit (1000)
Spices (130 + 1 turn/each)
Infinitesimal IPA (about 700)
Familiar Item (600 + 6 turns)
Meaty Helmet Turtle (1000 + 1 turn)

Special Backfarming Notice:
spider web, barbed-wire fence, disease.