Hardcore Happenings



Note, most things on this wishlist, I'll not get for several days. They are in no particular order:

Tenderizing Hammer (1000)
Familiar Item (about 400 + 4 turns)
Sticky Meat Pants (100 for the kit)
Meat Maid (100 for the stack + 50 for the paste)
Meat Car (100 for the stack + 50 for the paste)
Island Access (3000 + 18 turns)
Meaty Helmet Turtle (1000 + 1 turn)
Guild Skills (2000+3000+4000+5000)
Gnome Skills (3x5000)
Infinitesimal IPA (about 500)
Cocktailcrafting kit (1000)
Spices (130 + 1 turn/each)