Hardcore Happenings


Slightly Stupid

I could easily have ascended today, if I had been a bit less dumb about the leveling up.

Somehow, I didn't want to bother with the buffbots and such, and thought I'd make it really easily (after defeating the Sorceress in the first 10 turns) for myself.

I did come a long way, but only when I took out those two hockey sticks, and made a real effort.

Oh well, there's always tommorow. And it means a few more white canadians, as well.

I've lost my fear of the Sorceress completely. My new outfit to take her down is not the trusted furry suit, but rather furry pants with the star hat (630 power with Tao) that absorb a lot of damage by themselves. Armed with a pitchfork and a wand, and perhaps one or two useful accessories, she's a cinch.

I think I'll go Sauceror, pathless, after taking Tolerance of the Kitchen.