Hardcore Happenings


Mixing it up!

I wasted a *lot* of turns getting a Hippy Outfit. I have my doubts whether it was worth the turns, but, oh well. Ended up using a zap for it too.

Which means that I have to be careful with my zaps tomorrow. It's not a bad idea to "do" the Daily Dungeon. If I get a key I don't have, that means just one zap spent on the Keys, rather than two, so that I have at least one spare zap available, for example to zap a wolf mask. I've already got a barbed-wire fence, luckily.

My main concern now is getting my offstats properly upped :-) My stats right now are 104/65/65, which means I can't get the "Star Key" stuff. I've got moxie boost spaded out in the gallery, so all I need now is the muscle boost too, and otherwise, I'll surely get the stats from fighting the Gallery monsters.

I might also get a goat cheese and a knob sausage to make the proper reagent foods. My goat's milk is used up as well, so maybe I'll get lucky.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 11 Bay Leaf Brujo (Hardcore)
Turns Played (this run): 791
Days Played (this run): 4
Sign: The Platypus

p.s. Another 25 flowers. And yes, the flower market is crashing :-)