Hardcore Happenings


Cold Feet

So, I got cold feet, and already tried today to gain extra stat points.

I borrowed a hockey stick (yes, such mythical things exist) from one of my clannies, and started raising my sombrero. The breaking point, statwise, came around 100kills. After that, I switched from Yeti to Giants. I gained some moxie points before swinging the wheel to muscle.

I think I can make it, with stomach to spare. Currently, it's real quiet at my job, but I'll have no idea what the status will be tomorrow. I'll try to make time to complete everything, before I leave for the weekend.


The jitters

Have I praised KoLmafia already? Well, I want to do it again. Great tool to save time (and prevent repetitive strain injury).

Regular Loathing hasn't been good for me. I've been neglecting my work a bit and been totally hooked again. Especially since I still don't have internet at home, it's made me pull some stupid stunts to play this game and that makes me feel like an an addict.

This weekend I'll be going away to camp, so no KoL for me. My plan is to jump into Hoxy once more, just to calm me down. The downside of that is that I feel *pressure* to level to get that damn silly Tao of the Terrapin.

Which leads to the following game plan: tomorrow will be regular meatfarming, browniemunching yeti slaying, but friday will be the day that I will POWER-LEVEL! I'll be using sizzler's guide, probably some trickery from the Noblesse Oblige Treasury and see if I've got any adventures left to farm afterwards.

I'll post my game plan on it tomorrow.

After that, like I said, I'll be doing Hoxy...or maybe Boozetafarian. I'll see. The thing is that I'll have 80 adventures on Friday, get 120 more over the weekend, which will leave me with a full complement of 120 adventures to make a great start to such a run.


Slowly Onwards!

Changing my drinking habit to TPS was a wise move. I'm pretty much raking in the meat (thank you, buffbots), but with limited turns, it isn't going as fast as I'd like.
And, you also have to consider that my expenditure on the Hall of Legends alone is taking the main gains out of it.

Oh well, I'm up to level 13, and I've got 10 more herb brownies down the gullet.

I also got a Pagoda (3 more advs/day)...so that's about 3k meat/day + stats. Those stats, by the way, are the thing I'm wondering about. I doubt I'll make level 14 tomorrow, but we'll see.

However, my stats are getting high enough that I can start to drop the hairspray buff. That will save a very minor amount of meat, but still, good to know I can handle it.


Planning works!

Having a plan ready meant that I could defeat the Sorceress simply in a single day. I felt quite victorious and it only required small changes to the planning.

I haven't jumped through the gash yet, because I want the Tao of the Terrapin skill and I also want to make progress in regards to some expensive Trophies.

I've focused myself on PeakFarming, which is going quite nicely with the help of KoLmafia. Since the last time I used that program, it has really, really, really progressed a lot. It's such a wealth of information and help, it's great.

On to the Trophy work.

Trophy progress:
German Aviators: 34 out of 99 expensive smurfs
Mexican Friends: 40k (at least) out of 1000k each.
Frisco Dreamers: 280 out of 420 smurfs devoured.

My progress and prognosis report is:
40k each for the Mexican friends a day. (24 days)
2 German smurf a day (33 days)
10 Frisco smurfs a day. (14 days).

I have no idea how many days it will take to get to level 15, but I think that will be less than 14. (already have 137 out of 200 muscle). Doing the math there is a bit too complex for me, although I'm trying to balance the optimum between meat- and statfarming. For example, I'm using monster level 16, and I could up this to 21 eventually. In the balancing vein, my Cheshire Bat has a smile-sharpening stone. On the other hand, I do have Wasabi Sinuses, which reduce substat gains by 1.
For the higher levels, I might eventually have to leave the Peak and switch my attention to the Castle-in-the-Sky.

But really, I see little point to do this, except to prevent boredom, in the coming 14 days. Another issue is the implementation of NS 13, which might make me want to hurry another hardcore ascension or two in that time, for that couple of extra skills.

One thing I'll do is upgrade my drinking habits from White Canadians (for the PvP-mini) to Bodyslams (for the adventure/stats).


Back to the Drawing Board

I've got to learn to plan again, to be efficient. Although it's doubtful whether or not I'll have internet access _at all_ tomorrow, I shall make my plan for my next playing day anyway.

The first point of attention is Outfit management. I've been playing it too losely.
What's more to the point is buff management. I've not been doing that well, at all.
And lastly, there's adventure planning.

Last things first: Adventure planning
- First: Food & Booze farming. 2 knob sausages from the Goblins
- I've got to get through the Valley, by farming at least 1 lowercase N (preferably 2) and a 30669 scroll (for the 31337 trick).
- After that it's up the Mountain again, for Yeti Bashing
- Hopefully a swift switch to the Airship (two/three turns farming an enchanted bean), where I must pick up a Metallic A
- Into the Giant Castle, roughing up the miscreants, turning the Wheel over Moxie.
- Fetching Star Stuff.

Buff Management:
- For the farming: Just Leash and Madrigal are okay.
- For the Valley, a blue snowcone type would be cool, furthermore Tenacity, Leash, Empathy, Hairspray, Madrigal..
- For the Icy Peak, a red or green snowcone rocks, orange is okay too. Purple is damn fine as well. Buffs would be Elemental, Tenacity, Leash, Empathy, Hairspray, Madrigal, Patience of the Porpoise
- Into the Airship, I can drop Elemental.
- For the Giant castle, I'm best served by adding Ghostly. I should add the Clock effect and Sugar Rush, as well, from here on.
- For the Star Stuff, I should add Elemental. Blue snowcones are cool too.

Outfit management:
- For the farming: "Valley Gear"
- For the Valley: "Valley Gear"
- For the Icy Peak: "Peak Gear"
- for the Airship: "Airship outfit" but replace the bokuto with an umbrella ASAP.
- for the Giant Castle: "Airship outfit" but I should try using the Drywall Axe. I can replace the hat with a Wolf Mask.
- for the Star Stuff: same as Giant Castle. Perhaps include the Star Sword ASAP.


I was not so efficient this Feast.

I tried out several things, but none of them really worked. Also, shelling out meat to get all the MP restored in one go at Doc's gets expensive. But otherwise it's so tedious to keep up all desired effects at all times, etc.

I tried farming today, but I realized that even with all my drop-rate modifiers, it's still the law that "NOTHING DROPS". I was angling for a rice bowl or supercomplicated weapon from the ninja's. Fifty adventures later, no dice. The Valley was unforgiving as well (no extra 30669 scroll, nor a lowercase n). It's just ridiculous.

The Goblins in the kitchen and in the Laboratory were more accomodating. Too bad I accidentally cooked two Gnocchetti as well, so that took some extra time. I finished off the 5 Spaghetti with Skullheads with a Tofurkey leg and gravy, and farmed some cranberry drinks, to stay in season. My mysticality has become a bit lopsided, because of it. I overdrank due to a bang potion :-/

Tomorrow, I ought to play it a bit more cool and by ear, so there's gonna be a planning post.


Jumping through hoops

So, I ascended, and have now spent a few days merely adventuring around.

It's great to have so many adventures that I really don't need to worry about being efficient, having buffs, etcetera, etcetera. I've reached the Big Mountains already and it's simply so much faster than Oxycore, that I'm having more fun.

I probably would have some more speed, if KoL hadn't been so laggy. Waiting for the results of a click is a chore, so I just enjoy being not so efficient. Also, since I've got no energy to investigate how the scrumptious reagent potions have changed, I've simply skipped the bonerdagon. And since chow mein cooking has been radically altered (I still don't know how), I'm simply subsisting on reagent foods. Yum, yum.

With the Icy Peak in reach, I'll soon be in the endgame anyway. Then I can buy soda water by the dozen and simply buff in bulk. I must say it has a certain charm to play the game in this way, accepting what it throws at me, especially booze-wise (I dropped teet). Instead of farming for high quality booze, I'm just mixing up whatever I come across, which means that for today, I drunk an eggnog, a fine wine, 7 bloody beers, a fotie and finished off with a whiskey sour.

Turtle Tamer
Back in the Game.


Close Shave

Hah, on sunday I had to skip KoL, because my battery ran out on the laptop. Thank goodness the Plexiglass Pocketwatch had been integrated into my fighting outfit.

Today I defeated the Sorceress on the very last adventure of the day, amazing! What was also a bit stupid is that I went into that fight manaless, and without my standard furry outfit (I had blown my wand, trying to morph a heavy D). Instead I had the mohawk wig, goth kid shirt, wand of nagamar, sabre teeth (offhand), penguinskin mini-skirt, infernal insoles, dirty hobo gloves and hamethyst necklace.

I also bought two trophies (Slice 'n Dice and Your Log Saw Something That Night).

This means my OxyCore runs are completed...I have the full Plexiglass Set.
My next goals:
AT Hardcore tattoo
Bouquet of Hippies trophy
99 Red Balloons trophy
Golden Meat Stack trophy
The Three Amigos trophy

Seeing as most of these cost a _lot_ of meat, I'll be keeping Expert Panhandling (+10% to meat drops).
My next ascension is going to be a teet-drop of sorts, I'll think I'll do a HC Teet Seal Clubber, with the goal to get Northern Exposure...or maybe I should go for the Level 15 TT skill? Yeah, that seems more fun, and then go Seal Clubber after that.


Collector Score

I posted on the forums, due to a thread on collector score.

Max is 160, I believe:
69 out 71 tattoos (after this run: 70, oddly I have HOxy-AT, but not HC-AT)
29 out of 37 trophies (and two more ready to be bought: 31)
48 out of 52 familiars (but not a chance at the missing ones)
So that gives a total of:
146 (149 when this run is completed).

Moving up in the world!

The tattoo's I'll complete. There is one Trophy that will remain unattainable (No Pants!), the 4 familiars would require me to plunk down meat for them...a bit silly for something I'd never use. (Jill-O-Lantern, Baby Yeti, Hand Turkey). Getting the cymbal-playing monkey would require $20 as well. Maybe I should do major meatfarming soon, to earn all that meat.

Inefficiency and other Wastes

The difference between Powerplayers in KoL and me, is that they must have no life. I have no life either, but I'm not wasting my lack of life on KoL. My work load is pretty solid these days, and the World Cup takes its time as well.

The inefficiency means I'm not able to use stat days, even though I'm doing pretty well in my last oxy run (Sauceror). I'm at level 10, but having some problems above the beanstalk, maybe I should dial down the Mystical Canadian Device. Instead I was a bit moody, so I spent some time fighting ninja's, hoping (against odds) to get the ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon. That didn't work, of course. So I hop-scooted over to get the third and last daily dungeon key...with 7 adventures. I should've sacrificed my skeleton key on one of the doors, because I forgotten that opening the final chest takes an adventure!

And during PvP, I lost one of my fights. Bye-bye precious stats.

Well, tomorrow, I'll have the opportunity to be more efficient, and hey, I'm close to the end, so what the heck.

I'm really curious to see the level 15 skills/still of the Sauceror. For now, I'm planning to keep Expert Panhandling, but just maybe, I might powerlevel. I also shouldn't forget to buy my two trophies (Slice 'n Dice and the Log-related one).