Hardcore Happenings


Barriers Broken

So, I reached a level I had not achieved ever before. Got all the trophies I possibly could (excepting the level 30 ones), and have now turned over a new leaf.

I've wiped my trophies on display and will only be displaying those I achieve since reaching level 30.

I've reascended and feel like a noob that has to re-learn the entire game. I've been bumbling my way to level 5 (as a Boozetafarian Seal Clubber), and fully expect this one to take more than 5 days, although, luckily, the muscle days will arrive on day 5/6.

I'm wondering whether to keep this character around for Crimbo (so, that would be an entire month, again), level it to level 30 afterwards (this time I'm not donating for the meat). Or I could just pick a skill (claws of the otter?) and reascend again, letting the level 30 linger for another time.


Fight! Fight! Fight!

Instead of spending my time in my overnight clan, I accidentally stayed in Noblesse Oblige, gaining tonnes of +pvp fights. Which I put to good use. After all, an average of 65 main substat per fight isn't all that bad. The adventure gain is better, but not even that far off.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 28 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 5,485
Days Played (this run): 19
You must gain 4 Mysticality to advance to level 29.

p.s. Pvp details:
Ranking: 283
Fights Won/Lost: 94/1
Do note that that 1 lost fight was on defense, too. (For rank, haha)


28 days later

Brains, braains!

Well, it isn't really 28 days later, I just reached level 28. Although the frustration of going so slow is starting to be about to explode like the Rage of the movie.

I loved that movie.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 28 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 5,155
Days Played (this run): 18
You must gain 31 Mysticality to advance to level 29.

I can start counting down, however. Less than 100 mainstat points to go.



So...slowly gymming and pvp-ing myself to the top. 10*~70 = 700 substats due to that a day. Which is not even half a point now, but still, it's a bunch of stats.

I was quite preoccupied with real life affairs, as my sister is in hospital with pneumonia, and the Dutch election yielded a rather baffling result. Even though I'm not of the same political colour as Mr. Zalm, his analysis is pretty spot on, if a bit sour grapes.

To focus on KoL. Bored.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 27 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 4,492
Days Played (this run): 16
You must gain 28 Mysticality to advance to level 28.

I need about 140 fullstats to reach level 30, which is about 200k substats left. Should be able to achieve most significant progress next myst day, and at or after that day ascend. I think I'll keep Way of the Sauce, instead of Impetuous Sauciness.


Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Well, that was uneventful. I failed to do the actual math, but I think that I averaged around 95 or so at the gym.

What I did forget, was to use my elf, had my "anti-pvp" bitten equipped. Managed to do 10 dignity hits too, while being stupid (no buffs).

For something so easy, I should take my time and make less mistakes.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 26 Sauceror
You must gain 30 Mysticality to advance to level 27.

For those interested, my next mysticality point requires 1301 substats to achieve. So, yeah, 1 mainstat point every 15 adventures. I probably won't reach level 27 tomorrow o_O
It seems like an exercise in patience for the next Mysticality day.


The Great Leap Forward

Oh, wow. Although adventuring was pretty anticlimactic, my gains have been significant and impressive.

Also...I discovered a new avenue of stat gains: pvp.

First things first, I've managed to reach quite well into level 25, 4 mysticality points removed from level 26.

My stat gains at the sign gym were something like 115. I'm not entirely sure what a combat in the bedroom would've given me, but I only sign-gymmed drunk!

Each PvP fight gave me another 100 or so substats, which is also very nice, considering there's no adventure expense. Let's hope I don't get dignity-hit back. :-/

I'll be gymming the next coming days. I should remember to wear my Plexiglass helmet and mysticality boosters (plexi watch, plexi ring, solitaire). It will keep my bleeding/burping minigames in play. Although the first is easily fixed by using a scroll of drastic healing just before going into rollover.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 25 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 3,497
Days Played (this run): 13
You must gain 4 Mysticality to advance to level 26.

p.s. Per turn main substat gain is up to 111 :-)


A Farewell to Arms

So, from this moment forward, till I reach level 30, I won't be fighting a single combat anymore.

To commemorate this, I released 99 red balloons (and got a trophy!).

Tomorrow, I'll spend clovers in the bathroom, and after that, every single adventure will be spent in the gym.

So long!

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 21 Sauceror
You must gain 6 Mysticality to advance to level 22.
Turns Played (this run): 3,044
Days Played (this run): 12

p.s. I've equipped a Crimbo Elfling, in the hope that this might be recorded as a "Crimbo Elf run"
p.s.2 I've managed to get my average up to 63 main substat / turn. Should be interesting to see the drastical increase tomorrow.



So, two days later and two levels up.
Today, I averaged about 80 main substat points in the Bedroom per turn spent. Which is pretty decent. Day after tomorrow is main stat day however, and the plan is to go for the uberboost by clovering...

I shouldn't forget Ode or Goat's milk for that day, and tomorrow I need to bank 117 adventures. My best bet is to adventure to 90, drink the TPS drink, and gym off the excess.

Also, my food pattern will be enhanced with munchies pills.
My drinking pattern will switch to my 3 stored bottles of single-barrel whiskey, an oily mushroom wine, and the inevitable bottle of pinot renoir. At the end of the day, I will gym off the excess adventures from the TPS nightcap.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 21 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 2,817
Days Played (this run): 11
You must gain 29 Mysticality to advance to level 22.

p.s. My remark last time about reaching the gymming point was absolute crock. I've looked up the actual numbers and suddenly got very depressed. The cloverboost is actually the thing that comes at just the right time to keep morale up.
p.s.2. A fast and dirty calculation gives me an estimated average of 60 mysticality substats per turn spent this run. That includes the regular adventuring.


Waste of Booze

I drank my Booze without Ode...a shame. I let mafia run huge chunks of adventures for me, not focusing too much on the loss of snowcone and cupcake bonuses. It's still decent progress, and a lot cheaper like this.

In the end, I made level 19. Not too far from the gymming point now. May even reach that before next myst day!

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 19 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 2,201
Days Played (this run): 9
You must gain 13 Mysticality to advance to level 20.



So, I reached level 18.

The situation with my stats is reaching the point where I'm getting close to being able to evade monsters in the Gallery.

That would be really, really nice.

I think I'll be able to reach level 19 tomorrow. It will be muscle day, so that stat will get a nice boost, pushing me way over the requirement to always hit monsters, even with fully maxed out ML-boost. The next two days, Grimacite will be +0, so I'll be wearing the old Goth Kid t-shirt.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 18 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 1,896
Days Played (this run): 8
You must gain 13 Mysticality to advance to level 19.

Also, for note-taking purposes my current number of adventures (pre-rollover) is 31. With full rollover outfit, I should get 40 (standard) + 43 (stuff) extra adventures, for a total of 31+83=114 adventures at start tomorrow.


Through the barrier

Since ascending for the first time on 06/10/05, as a level 28, I haven't reached this high a level anymore.

Progress is still not what I'd like, and meat expenditure is way more than I'd like, but I'm starting to toggle some stuff and getting a feel for how it's going to be.

My new plan is quite simple: I'm going to drop the more expensive potions and buffs (orange-frosted, papaya, orange snowcone), and let mafia run me in the gallery. Somehow gains seem slightly better there, but who knows.

In the meantime, I'll mostly invest in clovers for the upcoming mysticality day, where I'll try to spend as much adventures as possible (up to 400?) clovering the bathroom. Should be close to 180k myst substat! Which is a heck of a lot better than today's 26k...

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 17 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 1,593
Days Played (this run): 7
You must gain 19 Mysticality to advance to level 18.


Bedroom Antics

Just to get a feel of the place, I switched from the Gallery to the Bedroom. I'm not sure whether the stats are better there. The problem is that I'm comparing it to a stat day.

I do know that I eventually got the special myst non-combat up to the max of 200 substats, while the monsters there have an intrinsically higher gain. I also thought the meat might be better, but it turns out that for all intents and purposes, the meat on this run has to come out of my reserves.

With two hockey sticks and grimacite shirt and ur-kel's aria, I switched to a pumpkin bucket for my familiar, which is now only 35 xp shy of being full weight.

That's all still messing in the margin, as is forgetting to eat a snowcone and cupcake every twenty turns. The core of it is that my stat gains need to be dramatically efficient in some way, while right now I'm feeling like I'm just chafing on a few statpoints per turn here and there, which is, of course, good in the long run. I also should test whether the papaya potion _really_ gives +2 stats...it seems so unlikely. Especially after I found out it can be made with regular saucecrafting. I still bought "Way of the Sauce" but I'm having doubts whether to keep it.

Tomorrow, I really should adventure with mafia, to keep better track of everything. Maybe put my stainless steel slacks back, re-equip the wax lips and hang out in the Gallery once more. Dual Ice Sickles beat the Pilgrim shield, however.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 15 Sauceror
Turns Played (this run): 1,281
Days Played (this run): 6
Mysticality base: 220
You must gain 9 Mysticality to advance to level 16.


5 day standard

So, the DB run ended up a 5-dayer, and so did the Sauceror teetdrop.

Which means that basically, 5-day runs is where I'm at. That's pretty cool. Even if I accidentally blow my wand, or do some dubious things, like during my Sauceror run, I end up with a 5-day finish.

After that, the powerlevelling began. Most of it hasn't been done wearing deodorant. It's so expensive... I can two-hit kill everything in the Gallery. If not one-hit kill. Shakira (my Hovering Sombrero) needs to level up a bit still, though, so I'm not poised for optimality, but I will be next myst day. Stuff will be pretty different then, probably a lot less buffs required. Even though I've gotten nearly all of them for a pittance from buffbots.

I hope to reach level 15 tomorrow, at least. That way I can make my own Papotions of Papower. Maybe I'm better off keeping that skill after this run, and doing another run for Impetuous Sauciness.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 13 Marinara Mage
You must gain 25 Mysticality to advance to level 14.
Turns Played (this run): 962
Days Played (this run): 5
Sign: The Opossum

As appendix, my current bufflist:
Got Milk (10)
Shiny Happy Cupcake (14)
Orange Tongue (14)
Aspect of the Twinklefairy (18)
Papowerful (59)
Elemental Saucesphere (154)
Twinkly Weapon (250)
The Smile of Mr. A. (305)
The Sonata of Sneakiness (354)
Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance (354)
Leash of Linguini (354)
Snarl of the Timberwolf (364)
Rage of the Reindeer (364)
Reptilian Fortitude (394)
Tenacity of the Snapper (394)
Flaming Weapon (500)
Butt-Rock Hair (514)
Ghostly Shell (544)
Empathy (574)
Astral Shell (574)
Jabañero Saucesphere (574)
Jalapeño Saucesphere (574)
Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude (594)
Smooth Movements (654)
Big Veiny Brain (914)
Heavy Petting (914)


Silent Radio

Blogging from home was troublesome again, but there wasn't much important happenings.

Although, I'm apparently getting another 5-day HC Boozetefarian done. Admittedly, with a HCOxy lead-in, but it's all over non-primary stat days. Well tomorrow will be a stat day, but it shouldn't have been. It will make leveling up to 14 easier, though :-)
Heck I might even had a shot at 4-day, if it didn't take more than half a dozen Raver Giants to drop a giant needle.

After that the Sauceror run to 30!

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10 Vibe Robber
Turns Played (this run): 654
Days Played (this run): 4
Sign: The Marmot
Path: Boozetafarian (Hardcore)


So Close!

Well, with blogger blocking out my post of yesterday...you might be suprised to learn that I reached the top of the Tower today.

Well. Almost. I did get the item required to defeat the monster on level 6, but that was on my last turn. And my spleen is about to burst from the waddage. Which leaves a very simple plan for tomororow:
1. Defeat the Flaming Samurai at level 6
2. Get my moxie up to 70.
3. Make a furry suit (already got the fur and pants kit)
4. Defeat her Sorceriness
5. Get the special Snarl of the Timberwolf skill
6. Ascend.

The plan was to go to HC Boozetafarian Seal Clubber, I think, to get Claws. Actually, it's mostly to have a run where I can use the Pike Pike. But thinking about the weaponry available from the Gallery, I don't really need the Pike Pike for anything. I mostly went into this HCO anyway, because I was bored. So, I can either go Seal Clubber or Turtle Tamer and use the Pike...maybe. Or I could skip to Disco Bandit, get Smooth Movement and use the Pike as wad material.

On the plus side of this plan, I'll be running into Moxie day at the end of the run, and looking further ahead, will probably be able to break the prism quite close to Mysticality day on the 30+ run thereafter. (That's a go!)

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 11 Reindeer Threatener
Turns Played (this run): 661
Days Played (this run): 13
Sign: The Mongoose
Path: Oxygenarian (Hardcore)

Shouldn't forget to make the Sauceror run a teet-drop.