I ran so low on meat, that I needed to farm the Peak for a bit. About 20 turns with my Cheshire Bat got me up to the 3k that I needed to move on.
I think I'm ending up disappointed with the Penguin. Even though at a few places I used the contracts to get out of trouble (not paying attention to MP reserves), it's just a gimmicky volleybal. I'm so glad I've got all resistances permed, it spares me the inconvenience of having to cast Elemental Saucesphere :-)
I closed off all the loose ends (including getting the Digital Key, farming it with my Sombrero, who will be taken through the gash). So tomorrow is only a matter of getting the proper stats, and fighting the NS. Seems like a lock-in.
All in all it was a good day, running high ML and getting away with it, but I find it hard to put into words. I'm convinced that if I had been running this run with the Cheshire Bat, it would've been a 3-dayer. On the other hand, this run I have had fun toying around a bit with different familiars, to compensate in places for the Penguin.
Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10 Moose Harasser (Hardcore)
Turns Played (this run): 588
Days Played (this run): 3
Sign: The Mongoose
p.s. I've considered which skills I'd like to add (besides trivials). They are:
Springy Fusilli (Pastamancer)
Jabanero Saucesphere (Sauceror)
Stream of Sauce (Sauceror)
Antiphon of Aptitude (Accordion Thief)
Symphony of the Jackass (Accordion Thief)
So, AT/Mysticality runs in the future. Ahoy, MMJ!