Day 10: Pre-Party
As per previous days, the Daily Dungeon is item #1 on the program. Mysticality should finally have stopped to be a problem, but heck, I've proven able to deal with that if it isn't. Next I plan to finish the mining outfit, and get at least one chrome ore, to smith the meaty helmet turtle into a chrome helmet turtle. This results in losing 7 muscle, but I'm overpowered for the area's as it is, I just need to do damage with that headbutt. I'm also compensated by extra moxie. Miner's pants will also be a boost to my equipment.
I'm assuming that the bigger part of my adventures from there on will be spent mopping up the Cyrpt.
A lihc eye pie, a shot of flower schnapps, and a can of hairspray should provide enough of an edge to get the Bonerdagon to his knees.
The question remains...what to do with the final adventures? Toil them away getting beat up for linoleum? Waste stat points with the Crimbo Elfling looking for campground enhancers (brains, boxes, Feng Shui books, beer lenses or Jick forbid, Hey Deze/Palindome stuff)? Or maybe, I could sewer for more spices and gain no stats...
I also by and by want my familiar-specific items (for Crimbo Elfling and Cheshire Bat), but this is meat-costly and statless...
Also, this list has some items I want:
Ghostly Shell: 4000 meat
Gnome Skills: 5000 meat/skill
Tenacity of the Snapper: 6000 meat
Tao of the Terrapin: 7000 meat
Empathy: 8000 meat
Stat-rich would be the pirates (I still need a stuffed shoulder-parrot(and guitarr)), the Orcs would give some premium booze. If I had been unlucky with mining for chrome, the Goatlet might have open, which would supply stats, booze AND food.
I think my decision should be to not go Cheshire Batless today, first loot the pirates (undisguised), then mine the mine and then hunt goat in the goatlet, as far as adventures allow it. On day 11, I can mop up for items with the Crimbo Elf, to be followed by going for the big meat.