Hardcore Happenings


Day 11: Ridiculously little playing

I boozed, I adventured, I made a handful of mistakes and decided to call it quits, because it was going too well.

It being muscle day, my muscle points were really stacking up too fast. I wasn't looking at the possibility of Ascending, so I decided to call it quits after level 10 and focus on some PvP-ing. In which I made the perfect 13 attacks for 13 flowers run. One fight was won on mini's alone, but for the rest, I was just grooving.

Tomorrow, with the extra booze and roll-over turns, I have a good chance of actually making it to Ascension, although it could be close. Even though Muscle Day is behind me , I'm still going Seal Clubber (packrat sign), so that I'll have a good start in my first Oxycore, after that.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10
Vibe Robber
Turns Played (this run): 932
Days Played (this run): 11

Ranking: 160
Fights Won/Lost: 132/62


Day 11: Ridiculously Meticulous Planning

First of all, the following will be checked:
Bounty Hunter Hunter Bounties.
Brewery drinks.

Also, tomorrow is a muscle day. My muscle doesn't need particularly boosting, so boozewise, I should research moxie-options. Because three things are important, moxie, moxie and moxie. That's what it is all about. Not that there's that much that I can do. Fight Yeti/Donate at the Hall, up the Beanstalk, to the Giants, turn the wheel counter-clockwise (twice), fight the stars, turn the wheel clockwise.

I'm quite certain that to fight the stars, orangish aphrodisiacs will do on their own. About 6 to 8 of them will be enough. With what I've saved, there's no need to farm for them.

An agressive PvP stance won't hurt, seeing as end-game is close. I should wait 'till the very last though.

For a planning post, this is pretty crap, but that's what I can come up with.

Day 10: Poor Planning Promotes Piss Poor Performance!

I keep making these smaller and bigger PvP errors. Leading to a loss on my first attack, then 10 flowers, then adventuring, then drinking 2 Hatorade and then overdrinking before executing the fight.

Adventurewise, most of the time, I was trying to get a lowercase N. I got a shitload of 31337 scrolls, and very few pr0ns, let alone N's.

Also, it was Muscle Day, while in my head, I had somehow figured it to be Mysticality day. I had the wrong drinks. And after drinking three of them, I found out there were White Canadians at the brewery. I snagged a couple of them, at least.

What could've been: 13 flowers, 7 white canadians and an ultimate PVP pose. I didn't get there, by far.

I'm going to plan for tomorrow. Right now.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 9
Groove Filcher
Turns Played (this run): 886
Days Played (this run): 10

Ranking: 134
Fights Won/Lost: 114/59


Day 9: Bar Brawling

Overnight, my rank had gone up a bit too much. It was hard to find any good targets anymore. So, I debuffed and soon had been taken down a few notches. I scoured for easy targets. Took 10/10 flowers.

I spent about a dozen adventures to gain some meat for mixing fruits. I spend another dozen to mix the cocktails. Off the top of my head: A calle de miel, perpendicular hula, a slap and tickle, a fuzzbump, two fine wine, a shot of flower schnapps and, as closer, another fuzzbump.*

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 8
Jam Horker
Turns Played (this run): 696
Days Played (this run): 9

Ranking: 140
Fights Won/Lost: 102/55

*still keeping IPA tied as favourite drink


Day 9: Planning Day 9 from Outer Space

Tomorrow, I'll have a slight moral dilemma. To play, or not to play. If I just mix up a few drinks, PvP a few knuckleheads and wait for the day after, I'll have better stat gains and not to mention two stat boosters on a stat day.

It's boring though.

I should check the Bounty Hunter Hunter for accepting furs. But that's about it.

Day 8: Craftsmanship

I accidentally ran the Daily Dungeon, even though I already had all three keys. At least it was a breathspray and not an earring. I finished the goats and the eXtreme slope. With the rest of the adventures I got myself a Pirate Outfit (for later) and cleared the Cyrpt.

Skillwise, I had to autosell a bit, but I now have Cocktailcrafting (for the better booze), Disco Dance of Doom (to power down the Yeti) and also Powers of Observatiogn. With the idea that I might be stuck with the Yeti for a bit, I thought I might pick Pickpocketigng and later take up Observatiogn, but I decided to play it safe.
Turns Played (this run): 672
Days Played (this run): 8

I lost twice to the same person. Damn honour getting in my way. After that, it was a bit easier picking targets, because I lost quite some rank. Eleven flowers, that's ridiculous, it's not even funny. I particularly like how Armorcraftiness gives you an advantage in the fashion show.

Ranking: 131
Fights Won: 81/48


Day 7: Linoleum on the Rocks

Slow, but significant progress was made. I'm through the mines.

Spending 1500 meat a day on Hatorade is maybe not the wisest thing to do, as I still don't have any skills due to that, but this run is slow anyway. And...I have another dozen flowers.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 8
Jam Horker
Turns Played (this run): 565
Days Played (this run): 7

Ranking: 106
Fights Won/Lost: 62/40


Day 6: Fruity

Again, I had some troubles finding myself. I lost a PvP fight out of sheer thoughtlessness and had a bit of trouble starting up.

Eventually, I evaluated my options and made some right choices. First, I got the Hippy Gear, so that I've got easy access to fruit. Then I simply went adventuring where I could survive with my kentucky fried crossbow and hairsprayed moxie. A few adventures in the Knob Goblin Laboratory, onwards to a little fighting at the Friar's gate and a prolonged stint at Menagerie Level 1.

There, I got a bunch of fruits, slow gains of meat and good stats. I prepared myself for PvP, drank 3 jugs of Hatorade and went for a jump in rank and a dozen flowers. Tomorrow, I'll make level 8 and enjoy myself on the Mountain.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Move Buster
Turns Played (this run): 487
Days Played (this run): 6

Ranking: 107
Fights Won/Lost: 43/33

p.s. This must have happened yesterday, but as it is, my favourite drink is currently an exact tie between Dirty Martini and Infinitesimal IPA. I have downed 203 of each.


Day 5: Biding Time

I'm still struggling a bit with PvP. I lost one fight on a stupid mistake (not drinking enough) and another on lousy mini-luck. A second attack was succesful, but in the end it was only 8 for 10.

I'm not bothering to take a tough PvP stance today, I'm simply biding my time for tomorrow (mysticality day). I did run through the Daily Dungeon, with a Sneaky Pete Key as my reward and also quite succesfully helped out the Deep Fat Friars.

I think I'm best served with saving up my adventures for tomorrow for the rest.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Move Buster
Turns Played (this run): 343
Days Played (this run): 5

Ranking: 60
Fights Won/Lost: 31/27


Day 4: Bounding Back

Today and yesterday have been somewhat bad. Getting overdrunk upset me. In fact, it just pissed me off. Today I tried to get my act together and did so, somewhat.

I don't really get why this has gotten me so agitated and "ruined" my run, but I need to be less self-destructive and look forward. Also, I should just consider this as an opportunity to play a more loose game and getting used to few turns for the HC Oxy plans I have.

I'm still level 6, but I've got Island Access now. I also got the Digital Key (and other pixel stuff) and Jarlsberg Key. And a cocktailcrafting kit.

For PvP, I was muddling a bit. I forgot to use up 3 of them :-/ My record therefore was a mere 6 for 7. I used up one of the flowers for a schnapps shot, so I could place two more bouquets on the campground.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Sample Swindler
Turns Played (this run): 318
Days Played (this run): 4

PvP (after boozing over the limit):
Ranking: 68
Fights Won/lost: 23/19

p.s. An annoying factor of mid-level PvP fights, is all the level 9, 10 and up picking on you. I mean, a fucking level 10, Bernini?! On the other hand, I pick on lower levels as well, but I do try to keep the difference somewhat limited.


Day 3: Well crap.

So, I kicked the ass of the Goblin King with a handful of buffs, a well placed Lunging Thrust-Smack and a rocket from the MicroMech. I PvPed for two flowers.

And then I decided to go farm for a bartender. Spring, check. Brain, check. Box, check. Smart skull, check. Beer lenses...fail.

I got overdrunk trying for the damn beer lens. That's such a waste. I'm not going to bother with getting one and just going to get drunk from the brewery and waste turns mixing.


Day 3: Middle Phase Meat Flow Management

I'm in that middle phase zone. I have many thinks I could do, and not that much meat to fund them all. Due to me living a bit of a Boozetafarian Lifestyle in real-life and the consequent hang-over, it's just a few lists.

Questy stuff:
Island Access (2500)
Liver of Steel
Assassination of the Royal Goblin
Filthy Hippy Store
Daily Dungeon

Itemy stuff:
Moxie Magnet (3000)
NS Quest: razor-sharp can lid, spider web, ten-leaf clover
Meat Maid

Skilly stuff:
Powers of Observatiogn (5000)
Torso Awaregness (5000)
Self-Preservation (2000)
Advanced Cocktailcrafting (5000)
Nimble Fingers (6000)
Gnefarious Pickpocketing (5000)
Disco Dance of Doom (4000)
Disco Nap (3000)

Day 2: Quality Drunk

Today, I feel I kinda sorta made up for yesterdays crappiness. I reached level 6, with the Boss Bat defeated, good alcohol drunk and lots of options opened up.

I also started PvP and got 10/10 for the attacks. I aimed at some relatively dangerous fish, as well, although, admittedly, I mostly went for the easy flowers.

A retrospect post isn't all that helpful, I think, but a planning post is in the making, because it can be quite the productive third day, with all kinds of things that can be achieved.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Sample Swindler
Turns Played (this run): 212
Days Played (this run): 2

End of adventuring day rank: 79
Fights won/lost: 12/4


Day 1: Tipsy Turvy

What a screw-up today. I did make level 4, but spent a lot of time in the Distant Woods, not getting what I want. No scarecrow for me, at least I did get a barskin tent.

On the brink, I did get my meat car, so I drove to the shore. The special was a fotie, so I drank IPA.

And in the backalley, I also only got one bum cheek. At least I did get 4 spider webs, so I can make moxious pants.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 4
Jiggy Grifter
Turns Played (this run): 119
Days Played (this run): 1

p.s. I won't break my hippy stone today.

Soft Ascension

Well, that was easily done. Eventually broke Ronin by simply getting some more XP/kills for my Bat at the Arena. The Sorceress went down hard.

Apparently, when you break the prism, your path restrictions drop as well. A great chance to chomp down on brownies as well as White Canadians. I also broke my hippy stone, buffed up ridiculously and got 13 flowers.

After jumping into the gash, I took the trivial skill and reascended as a Hardcore Boozetefarian Disco Bandit (Blender Sign).



I failed to ascend today. I'll beat the Sorceress tomorrow, drink 7 White Canadians and Ascend.

Newbie chat was bad today, mostly in the sense of "AOL" spelling. So, I used a multi to WANG a few people left and right. More people should.


6825 %

That's the percentage of adventures I spent today taking yesterday as reference.

I got to level 9, but my stats are kind-of unbalanced.
Muscle: 39
Mysticality: 71
Moxie: 38

See y'all tomorrow.


Boozetafarian Sauce

The Ascension was into a female boozetefarian sauceror (softcore). I spent 4 adventures today. Half of them were spent in the Woods, getting Larvae for the Council. I would like to thank the Zombie for the Spooky-grow Fertilizer. A third adventure was spent at the League of Chef-Magi, passing the first entrance exam. The fourth and final quarter of adventures spent resting, so I could summon three scrumptious reagents.

Tomorrow is Mysticality Day.

Day 8: Under Pressure Ascensination

I did have a stroke of luck, in the sense that it *was* clover day, but it was also the planning, and a few clever tricks that helped me through it in the end.

PvP went cool. I won 12/13 fights, although I did seek out low-level targets. I mostly wanted to improve my flower mini-game, before Ascending.

Then I had to race to Ascension, first of all, because I didn't want to be PvP-hit by people, now that I had become vulnerable, secondly, because I suddenly found myself having to work unexpectedly.

To shorten stuff, I chose to starchart the crossbow, instead of the Star Sword. I spent a lot of meat on the schnapps shots that were available at the brewery. They give a very good advs/drunkeness and stats/drunkeness ratio. They are just terribly expensive. I got reasonably lucky with the wheel, and ate some quality food (pr0n chow mein and lucky surprise eggs) when it got around to hitting the Lair. First part went well, until I got to the Star Key. I had gotten 67 point of moxie, but not enough mysticality, yet. And I had forgotten that that's the minimum to wear the Star Buckler. Again, I got lucky with the wheel. The Topiary Golems were nasty, but manageable.

I found myself at the bottom of the steps, with about 30 or so adventures, a few statpoints short on my secondaries and my familiars unleveled. I got a piece of genius advice from my clannies: Hovering Sombrero. Since the level of the Tower Monsters is so absurdly high, the Sombrero, even unleveled, far beats a Volleyball type of stathelping familiar. It also helps for your offstats. I got the Sombrero to level 14 and fought my way up the tower. I crossed my fingers and lo and behold. Cow nor Globe. I got a spider web in one turn.
I still needed one moxie point. Four adventures later, I got those. The Heavy door, bolt and shadow were no problem, but now I had 20-odd turns to level my familiars. Time for some math.

A familiar has to be level 20 to pass the Tower challenge. A level is reached when you have the square of the level in xp (kills). So...400 kills for level 20. Assuming theoretical perfection of 5 xp per fight at the Arena, that's 400/5=80 fights. Each fight takes a turn (and costs 100meat, but meat isn't important here).
Luckily, I have some skills. Amphibian Sympathy (+5 pounds) and Empathy (+5 pounds).
Also, I had 3 Tiny Plastic Familiar accessories from the LSE's. (+1 pound each).
20 - 5 - 5 - 3 = 7 pounds of familiar required. The square of 7 = 49.
49/5 ~ 10 turns of Arena fighting.

Now you see my problem. 2*10 turns of Fighting would end my number of turns. Familiar equipment is only gotten at the tenth win and only helps that specific familiar. So, I devised at trick. I fought 9 battles with my first familiar, getting him to 6 pounds. I used my tenth fight to get a lead necklace by winning a fight with the Flaming Gravy Familiar. Suddenly, each familiar had to get to 7-3 = 4 pounds. 4 square = 16 xp. Divided by 5 ~ 4 turns.

(In retrospect: I could've also fought 4 turns with familiar A, 4 turns with familiar B, 1 turn with familiar C, then the Gravy fairy, and hope that I had guessed the second familiar right. That could've saved me 0,3 or 4 turns)

That meant I had 6 turns left to fight the Naughty Sorceress. *beep beep*. Time to go to work.

[supsenseful cliffhanger]

Luckily, no-one had tried to PvP me. At work, I dove immediately into the NS fight and beat her, with some trouble, on the first try. I did all the stuff that I needed to do (well, almost all the stuff) and Ascended.

*sigh of relief*

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 11
Crocodile Lord
Ascended in 1,086 turns, spread over 8 days, under the packrat zodiac, under no-path Hardcore conditions.

p.s. My fastest run so far, by 2 days!
p.s.2 I also was on the Hardcore PvP leaderboard, with a ranking of about 180. Nice for my "ancestral ranks", I suppose.


Retrospect: Hurricane Jick

Now that my "cool stuff" is back, I think I'm, inspired by this thread, able to glance back at the affair one final time.

I, for a long time, had also been under the impression that an inventory dump would've happened, and that merely the diffence between the sixth of September and the crash would have to be restored by hand, with the usage of donation records, mall/trade transactions and ascenscion records.

It's a bit annoying to see only the mentioned valuables restored, because my case contained countless of little crappy items, like "a number of dolphin crowns", which I'm not going to bother *any* admin over, because I a) don't know how many there actually were b) the value is trivial, c) it doesn't hurt my gameplay if I don't have them. It's not said that I didn't gain a certain kind of enjoyment from tossing another dolphin or Goblin King crown on the ever-growing stash of second-hand crowns.

There are also the supplies of food and booze, which can, of course, be easily restored by visiting the mall or help from my clannies. Asking an admin to manually restore those is really a waste, because they could far better be spending that time restoring other people's Mr. Accessories and Tiny Plastic Swords.

What makes it a bit more insidious, is that some lucky people got their supplies actually *doubled*, while others lost everything. Many of those with doubled supplies have been really kind, per KoL tradition, and helped those who lost a lot, and I thank them for that.

Now that I'm about to restart softcore, I'm reminded how much I depended on my stash. Or how random things, like the small pile of gingerbread bugbears (funniest food in the game), could amuse me.

That all taken into consideration. It's now too long since the actual crash to change any decisions.
At the crash, they could've decided to set *everything* back to the last update. There would've been crying and shouting, but all would've been in the same boat. People would've left in anger and destitution.
They could've *not* restored anything for anybody. There would be crying and screaming, especially from those that lost stuff. People would've left in anger and destitution.
They could've done what they did and try to hold a carrot in front of as many people as possible, letting them continue and build up new investment in the game, while they did restoration as best as they could. Some people have left, but a lot have staid, because of hope.

In the end, the carrot turns out to be a bit less juicy for people than they thought. In the meantime, I've gained a few more skills, started new piles of junk in Hagnk's. I can choose to quit now, and by my own choice abandon my own achievements as well as what's been lost due to Jick's clicks. But guess what? I'm not going to! I worked too hard, spent too much time, clicks and brainpower on my new stuff. I'm staying and accepting things as they are.

Day 8: Ascension & Pre-Ascension Checklist


Food. I need stats, and lots of them, if I want to ascend. Assuming I don't get too stupid with PvP, I can get most of them from simply adventuring my full allotment in the Castle, especially with a few good wheel turns. Still food can help. If I do all my PvP before beginning to adventure, I can use up the scrumptious reagents for food. That gives me at least one scrumptious reagent and Goofballs/Flower Power for the Topiary Golems.

The problem is a lack of spices, although I could get some when adventuring for Knob Sausage. On a clover day, I could get them through the spice loop. I also need to minimize the number of adventures spent farming.
Non-clover day: 2 hell ramen/gnochetti di Nietsczhe & delicious noodles.
Clover day: 2 Lucky Surprise Eggs, 3 pr0n chow mein & hot wing

Star Weaponry-wise, I'd prefer the Star Sword, as I wouldn't need to get a secondary up to 67, before being able to equip it. I currently have 4 lines and 1 star. Then again, it's the most likely I'll be able to make a Star Crossbow before that. The choice is between spending two to five more adventures in the Hole, or in the Castle, where I have the chance of Wheel Adventures. I think I'll sit those five out in the hole. I'll probably end up needing to donate for my secondaries anyway when I reach the top of the Lair, and then I prefer being able to have pre-boosted them with the tower and Topiary Golem fights.

PvP notes: Before PvP-ing, I should note whether or not it's clover day.
Non-clover day: I'm using two reagents for today's food and save the other for the Topiary Golems, so no extra boost. Also, I should only drink to 18, as I might want to use one drunkenness for flower power against the Golems.
Clover day: I can use one extra scrumptious reagent for the current bout of PvP, save the other two for the Golems. I can drink all the way up to 19. Use an Imp Ale (or special) for the one drunkeness.
In either situation, I should also immediately drink 3 Hatorades. I can (hopefully) rely on scrolls of drastic healing for the rest of the day.

Ascension checklist:
My plan is to do a speedy softcore Boozetafarian run. This has multiple goals.
1) Get an extra trivial skill for that Trophy
2) Be able to drink a chunk of White Canadians for that PvP minigame
3) Get the bottle of single-barrel whiskey to jumpstart my next HC DB Boozetefarian run (to regain that path tattoo)

But, since Hagnk's crashed, I need to properly prepare a lot of stuff before jumping in.
a) The museum. I need to reorganize it. Put the bottle of Champagne back on the Shelves and put in the Tiny Plastic Figurines. I also want 3 TP Hermits and 2 TP Meatcars.
b) Untinker the meatcar. Since I don't have any meatcars in storage, I need this one. Turning the meat engine into an autoplunger is a bonus trick.
c) Prepare TPS drinks. I should premix a few drinks and get an ample supply of TPS fruits and booze bottles. I should also buy or premix several White Canadians.
d) Clockwork Maid, Bartender-in-the-Box. I should get one of the former, two of the latter (one for mixing now, one for mixing during the next run)
e) Gifts. Unpacking should be done.
f) Non-Quest status Quest items. I should get into storage at least one of each Tower Item. Buying three linoleum ore and four red pixel potions is also a good plan. Since it's going to be a Sauceror, most likely, also a Star Staff. Also a Rock & Roll Legend, and a number of the various number scrolls.
g) Loot the N.O. Stash for an Imitation Nice Watch and Time Outfit.
h) The familiar items for the 5 possible Tower monsters.
i) Some high-value autosell items is also a good plan. Maybe I can loot the N.O. stash for them, as well.

I'd be thrilled were this be a 4-day run.

I gotta ponder if I want to do softcore PvP...if I do, it's only going to be on the last day, just before Ascending, to gain some easy 13 flowers. But it would be nice to have a few potions at the ready for that occassion.
I'm thinking that each of the following one *should* do that (or is quite possibly, severe overkill): equilibrium juice, temporary gr8ness, grapefruit juice, arse-a-fire, wrath serum, cosmic lemonade, maraschino moxiosity, orangish aphrodisiac, papotion of papower.

May the Force be with me!

Day 7: Doom

Some people broke through my defenses. In fact, a level-camping multi of a particular clannie of mine, known for her hatred of cows, broke through my defenses. It got even worse. She pwned me on all five counts.

PvP-ing itself I did sloppily, I only won 8/11 fights (it seemed even less). Even PvP'ed myself down to level 9, at first. Also, when planning my effects, I made some bad timing, not having pre-crafted a shot of flower schnapps. Still, I'm not likely to win purity as I only dared to use the !-potions when I was already drunk. Yes, bang-potions, my enemies, you can start to feel worried.

Adventuring itself was all a bit lame. I got the jarlsberg earring from the Daily Dungeon, so I visited the Dungeon of Doom (which I find slightly boring) for the zapping wand. I got it in a reasonable amount of turns, though. What took a bit long was the Metallic A from the Airship. At least it meant I had a lot of soft-green echo thingies, phonics and tiny houses.

It not being a clover day, I went for the menu that included hell ramen, I need to plan my diet for tomorrow carefully.

Fighting through the castle went in decent time, with all the drops I wanted. The Hole-in-the-Sky was a relative cake-walk. With the moon setting of tomorrow, Wereseal blood will be even more effective and I might not even need more wrath serum for the final piece of star weaponry. For details, see the planning post.

So it came to be, I guzzled down the last monkey wrench. It reminded me of the time when I ran with that gang of environmental saboteurs. Or wait, it didn't -- it just got me drunk, and made me think I did that.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10
Moose Harasser
Turns Played (this run): 950
Days Played (this run): 7

PvP status, post adventuring
Ranking: 166
Fights Won/Lost: 88/46

p.s. Drunkeness 25, due to the ! potion. Hurrah!


Day 7: The Plannination

I have a dilemma. My planning, of course, includes PvP planning. But posting everything here would give my "enemies" an advantage. The chances of them reading this blog are not that big, but still, it's the principle. On the other hand, this blog is mostly a personal reminder, especially with planning posts. I wish there was some way to hide stuff from view.

I'm really at the very start of level 10, and I miss a few (literal) key items for the Sorceress quest. Still, with some RNG love, it's not impossible to Ascend tomorrow. Although it's way more likely for the day after. With that in mind, I'm going to gun for it anyway.

The Day starts off with the Daily Dungeon. I need the Boris Key. If that fails, Ascension plans are over for the day. I plan to have Wereseal active, all day. That way I can LTS my way through the Airship and Castle. For the Hole, I have saved up a bunch of reagents. At least 6 * 5 turns of the Wrath of Grapes should help me gather the stars and lines I need. Especially supplemented with the Wereseal Blood and the effect from the cheap wind-up clocks.

My food depends on the state of clovers. If it's a clover day, I'm gunning to eat 3 Lucky Surprise Eggs. The rest will be filled with a knob sausage and a bat wing chow mein. This leaves 2 fullness. I can either eat a snowcone, which has decent stat returns, but low adventure returns. A knob or pr0n stir-fry has a better chance of high adventures and might give more stats. I'm inclined to go with the pr0n stir-fry in that case.

If it's not a clover day, I'll eat only one Lucky Surprise Egg. I can't use up too many spices, so I'll eat one knob sausage chow mein, a hell ramen and a tofu chow mein/delicious spicy noodles. The Tofu chow mein looks slightly more advantageous.

Boozewise it's nothing special: I can fix up two martini's and a rum and cola, and have to drink from the brewery for the rest. I also want a shot of flower schnapps.

I have a few things I like to craft, if only for PvP purposes: A pair of yakskin pants and a chrome helmet turtle. Of course, after completing the Giant Castle Map, also furry pants.

For PvP, I'm thinking about laying a bit lower than usual. I'll use up two reagents to boost my stats, and hopefully either ascend or have some Wrath of Grapes effect left over. I'll sacrifice one drunkeness for flower schnapps.

Well, that's planned. Let's hope for RNG love. Or I'll be hitting the Dungeons of Doom.

Day 6: Player versus Player

Overnight, I had been attacked by many, but few had succeeded. In fact, so few had succeeded that I could hardly attack any worthy PvP targets.

So I adventured, and chatmodded, the adventuring was a nice boost, I made level 9, did all the statsy things, got a house (good for PvP!) and got through the Rof'l Valley, even made level 10 and spent like five turns in the Airship. The chatmodding however got me WANG'ed (bad for PvP!).

Buffing up a bit, I continued to do some tough and less tough PvP-battles. My mini-games are really worthless against the more skilled PvP'ers and when you only win 2 out of 3 statmatches, you need them to be better. I salute Hojo Hominygrits and MeGrimlock as the adversaries which *nearly* got me rid of my level 10 status. I lost one fight to MeGrimlock and two attempts to Hojo. With one extra fight from Hatorade, that meant I got a score of 8/11 today.

At least in the Airship now, I will get soft-green echo eyedrops. Nice to get rid of Apathy, Poisoned and being "WANG"-ed. It's pretty lame and hurts me in my PvP efforts, but little can be done about it.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10
Moose Harasser
Turns Played (this run): 810
Days Played (this run): 6

I will also include PvP details, at least today, I think.
At end of adventuring:
Ranking: 122
Fights won/lost: 72/37

p.s. My tattoo had been, awkwardly enough, the hippy peace sign all along. I've changed it to the Gnauga, which is way more appropiate for my PvP-y flowerlust.


Day 5: The Quickening

What the heck is a Quickening? You often hear that in fantasy contexts or as titles of episodes of tv-series. I'll look it up.

I started off doing some PvP with my left-over effects and then continued adventuring. It being muscle day(s), my goal in life is defined as to get what I call "the triple whammy": Bonerdagon chest, Strange Leaflet word, Stat Script. This Holy Trinity of stat boosts is a neat speed-up, saving a lot of clicking.

It started off a bit poorly, with no knob sausages dropping in the kitchens. Enough spices for more chow meins, but little sausages. Eventually, they had dropped, and I focused on getting my post-due Liver. I needed to push the W IMP a bit to have him drop the items you require later, but I had few worries. I was attacked for a flower of course, during adventuring...

Luck would have it I reached level 8 exactly before finding the final required item. Time to visit the Tr4pz0r and commit to that hellish undertaken called "mining for ore". I must say that the skill "Tongue of the Otter" is a blessing there. For 7HP each cave-in is just a single lost adventure. On to the Goats, which dropped like flies under my shillelagh. Goat-flies.

I was a bit low on meat, so colour my dismay when I found out that I couldn't wear the eXtreme cold-weather gear, due to too low base mysticality! Having drunk to my limit with dry vodka martini's from the brewery, I decided to just pre-emptively clear bits of the Cyrpt. The mini-bosses showed up early and were all dispatched with a Thrust Smack. No ghostly protection. With a handful of adventures left, I decided to take on the Boner Dagon. And he kicked my ass.

Then I realized, it was time to buff up for PvP anyway. I could buff up, smash the boss, adventure a few more, so that I had minimal buff turns on me for the purity contest, finish my PvP fights and go over the limit. Bye bye, bonerdagon. Which meant I could wear the eXtreme Cold-Weather gear as well. Hurray! 5k meat from the tr4pz0r.

Smugly, I succesfully PvP'ed my way to 11 for 11, with one accidental rank fight. I drank a final dry vodka martini. I felt sophisticated, and Russian. Then I apologized to the Russian.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 8
Otter Crusher
Turns Played (this run): 649
Days Played (this run): 5

p.s. Quickening, n
1: the process of showing signs of life; "the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain"
2: the stage of pregnancy at which the mother first feels movements of the fetus
3: the act of accelerating; increasing the speed


Day 4: The Bloodlust Continues

Overnight, I got attacked by 4 more people. They all defeated me. Which made my trickery get a meagre result of 2 for 7.

So today, I fleshed out the campground a bit. It's taking my ascension schedule back a day, no doubt, but hey, this game is fun. I did do the Daily Dungeon thing and knocked out the Goblin King, but no Liver of Steel.

With all the adventuring, I got beat up and got attacked. When I was ready, I retaliated, but no success. I ended up using two Hatorade and prepared for battle. Including the failed retaliation, I scored a decent 10 out of 12 and got my ranking from 25 up to 80.

I tried focusing on people my own level, but did put a few easy wins in between. People my level with my ranking started to run out. It's all higher level. I'll have to see how my defenses hold. Muscle day and loads of adventuring planned for the coming two days. Less PvP, less Hatorade, less defense, I think.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Narwhal Pummeler
Turns Played (this run): 482
Days Played (this run): 4

p.s. I also munched down 4 herb brownies. Small steps toward that Trophy.
p.s.2 In other MAJOR news: I got my stuff restored. Just the listed valuables, that is, not the myriad of little things one accumulates during Ascension, but I'm so grateful for it, anyway.


Day 3: A History of Violence

Adventurewise, I was a bit slow today. I did gain access to the Island and a Hippy Outfit, but failed to kill the Goblin King, get an extra key (got a Breath Spray instead) or receive a Liver of Steel. Neither did I gain any extra skills, even though I harvested a lot of meat. Oh yeah, I also don't have a barbed-wire fence. We'll see if it breaks me up at the end of this run.

Tomorrow, the plan is to eat two knob sausage chow meins, three herb brownies, and something to fill the gap. First I'll adventure for enough meat to get thrust-smack and then I'll kick the bejeezus out of the Goblin King and get a liver of Steel. The rest of the adventures is saved for stat day, so I can then move onwards with much more vigour. Good plan, n'est-ce pas?

PvP-wise, I went 11 for 11 today. This completed my Pretty Bouquet collection at my campground. I also tried some buffing tricks to increase my protection against attacks, but have been attacked twice and it failed, so far.

Tomorrow, I'll continue attacking for flowers, but I will pick my targets more selectively. My aim will be to attack people closer to my PvP-rating, in order to gain a few ranks. I should also take out some time to expand my campground with Feng Shui and a Spooky Scarecrow.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Narwhal Pummeler
Turns Played (this run): 392
Days Played (this run): 3

p.s. Don't go and see the movie with this title. It sucks. Even if it has a naked Maria Bello.

[edit] PvP update: 3 more attacks suffered...but two of them won!


Day 2: Whipping

Progress-wise all went pretty well. Mostly thanks to the extra special special at the brewery: the especially salty dog.

I also have a sneaky pete key and the digital key, which is not bad for day 2 :-). The Boss Bat is dead and I have Chronic Indigestion. Beside the insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito, I also ate two Spaghetti-with-Skullheads. Hurray for quality food on day 2. Sadly, I only finished my chef-in-the-box after mixing those, but hey, I'll save adventures tomorrow.

I also gained access to my Guild store and trainer. The trainer doesn't appeal that much just yet, so I'll save my meat. The store is more attractive. Now that I can equip my Shillelagh, I really like to have the iniative. Guaranteed 1st hit kills, especially if I get the Thrust Smack Skill (4000) as well.

Those are issues for tomorrow. Island Access and Skills.

On to the PvP:

I scored 9 out of 10 wins. My only loss was to SirCoolWhip. Who I believe is a multi of Bernini. Anyway, that player is pretty high on the Hardcore Ascension boards, so probably has a bunch of tricks up his sleeves of which I can merely dream. I think I lost every fight, there.

In all other matches, I occasionally lost the buffed muscle competition. A few times I can track it back to not checking their equipment closely enough, which gave muscle boosts, but some apparently also have strong buffs running.

I did start to feel a bit bad about pounding on low-rated low-levels, but then again, they lose nothing, and I gain a flower. The flowers that I did win, I combined into bouquets and adorn my campsite. Anyway, it was pretty cool. Tomorrow, I might even start wasting meat on Hatorade!

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Malamute Basher
Turns Played (this run): 264
Days Played (this run): 2


Day 2: Preparing for Battle

Quests and stuff: I don't want to plan this too precisely. I'll just list my priorities:
- Island Access
- Knob Sausage Access (Skullhead Spaghetti, yum)
- Guild Store Access
- Daily Dungeon (bit too weak for that tomorrow, prolly)
- Pixels (Shouldn't hold gathering them off for too long. I can kill the Boss Bat first, I suppose)

PvP: Yay! PvP!
Time to dust off my mad fighting skillz. I'm allowed 10 attacks*, so I should use them wisely.
My goal is to gather 10 flowers.
Obviously, I should wait until the end of the day and try to find characters who are at least a level lower than me and bully them, for flowers. If I carefully check their equipment, I'm quite sure to win 2 out of 3 of the statmatches. (Unless they're true PvP fiends, who have tonnes of effects at such a low level).
Then there are the mini-games. Some of them, I can't affect. But some, I can.
# Familiar Show: (Whoever's familiar has the higher amount of kills.)
I will use my Cheshire Bat. My target should preferrably have a low-poundage familiar, that way I'm sure his #kills has been reset.
# Purity Test (Whoever has the least number of effects active.)
Can't influence this much, but I should at least attempt to PvP after I've used up my turns of Empathy. I could chose not to use Seal-Clubbing Frenzy.
# Impromptu Fashion Show (Whoever has a higher power out of hats and pants.)
I should check my target NEVER has a higher (or equal) power outfit than me.
# Inebriety (Whoever is the most drunk.)
I should only engage in competition when my drunkeness is Liver-1. Or against teetotallers/oxygenarians.
# Pie-Eating Competition (Whoever is the least full.)
My preferred targets are boozetafarians/oxygenarians, since, this early in the ascension run, I really do want to eat before fighting.

*I'm not going to waste meat on Hatorade.

This is going to be exciting tomorrow!

Day 1: Can you feel a brand new day?

After picking Eye of the Stoat as skill, I jumped into another run of Hardcore.

Starting out on a myst day is nice, but mainly, I like the fact that, contrary to my previous run, I will actually have primary stat days in it. I miss starting off with three pieces of pate, but I think I did okay, nonetheless.

I chose to go for a barskin tent. Seeing as how it is unlikely that one is able to go on muscle holidays and even less likely that you end up with a piece of anticheese, the gap between installing the newbiesport tent and the house is just too big. And, for the few turns, the barskin tent is actually a 100% improvement upon the tent. In the past, I've mostly used the tent to restore MP, when I was too lazy/poor to go to the market for soda water. (For HP the Medicinal Herbs and Doc Galactik's are efficient enough, for the time the MP lasts). With a newbiesport tent, you need to rest 6 turns to get the MP for the full reagent&noodle supply. The barskin only takes 3. Quite an improvement.

I also chose to go for the smile-sharpening stone and level up my Coffee Pixie (Buzz) with the other arena fights. Although, I must say, that I see the logic of people going deliberately for the lead necklace, especially now switching it between familiars has become much less of a hassle, since it can all be done from the familiar screen.

Also, with the change in PvP, I'm going to break my hippy stone, first thing in the morning. I surely might lose some stats, but no adventures, when attacking. And I can make pretty bouquets with the flowers. It's sure to put a bit more spice into my game goals.

Also also, planning post coming up.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 4
Ermine Thumper
Turns Played (this run): 120
Days Played (this run): 1

Day 10: Too close for comfort

So, I had thought today would be a shoe-in. Especially after I discovered it was clover day. I munched down three lucky surprise eggs, made the stone banjo, whacked a few Topiary Golems while high on wrath serum, that sort of stuff.

Then I hit the tower. First level: Perpendicular Globe. I hadn't seen that guy in a while. I checked my inventory. I knew I didn't have a second lowercase N, but what I hadn't counted on, was that I didn't have an Original G. Did I sell those? Anyway, I headed off into the valley.

After a few adventures, my first pr0n. No lowercase n. More adventures, no pr0n. Finally, a pr0n...no lowercase n. It took close to 70 adventures when finally on my 5th pr0n, a lowercase n dropped. And this was with a 25+-pound Attention-Deficit Demon, Mad Looting Skillz, Powers of Observatiogn and the packrat sign.

Luckily, I got my original G on my first Alphabet Giant, even if it took 15 or so adventures to appear (one of which was a wheel-adventure).

From here on, it was easy going. The rest of the tower posed no problems, levelling up the familiars was efficient (after all, 16 out of 20 pounds were already taken care off by externals). Thanks to the lowercase n, I also had three, instead of one set of flaming talons. It took three combat rounds for the first form, and can't have been more than 6 for the second form. That was pretty neat.

After freeing the King, I ate 3 herb brownies (all the place I had left in my stomach) and jumped into Ascension. Again forgetting to mind the museum, untinker the meatcar and whatever, but hey :-)

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 11 Reindeer Threatener
Ascended in 1421 turns, spread out over 10 days. Hardcore, no Path.


Day 9: Currrsed!

A lack of luck held me from ascending today. No clovers at the hermit, no good special at the brewery (boxed wine) and more importantly...no guitarrr from the pirates.

I adventured there for more than 40 turns and no guitarrr. And without the ability to evade the choice-adventures anymore...blast. I decided I was not going to make it and just focused on levelling up a bit. Three MagiMechTechs later, I finally had the Metallic A and went into the Castle.

There I actually had the slightest bit of luck of the day with reasonable wheel turning and adventuring. Which meant that with only a handful of adventures left, and after a lot of hall-donating, I reached level 11.

Of course, I wouldn't have enough adventures to level my familiars, but I still had 3 fullness left. In what was a bad decision, probably, I ate the bean burrito. What 3-fullness food gives the most adventures I wonder? I didn't have spices available, so tofu chow mein was out of the question.

Anyway, I decided to use my trinket to get banjo strings and then go to the casino to get a big rock and make it as far up the tower as possible, just using consecutive tries to throw eleven for the skeleton key. Which is the preferred speed-way, I suppose, but I dislike it. Then, bad luck and judgement struck again. I re-assembled my clover and went to the casino. I didn't have a casino pass however, so went to the market and bought that one...then I forgot to go back to the casino.

Colour my surprise when I threw 11 in one go after using the skeleton key. Then colour my immense sense of upset. Now I had only a handful of adventures left and no way to pass the mariachi's!

I tried taking my riftlet to the Pirates and got an extra adventure, but still no guitarrr. BLAST!

For tomorrow, I hope it's a clover day. Also, I can save my stomach (and liver) for after defeating the Sorceress, so I can eat herb brownies (and white Canadians).

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 11
Reindeer Threatener
Turns Played (this run): 1,313
Days Played (this run): 9


Day 9: Planning Ascension

It might be premature, but let's think about ascending already.

To reach level 11, I still need a shitload of stats. 2320 muscle point substats, to be precise. Moxie is already at 70 and Mysticality is lagging somewhat at 65, but I've got faith that the latter one will be fairly close to 70 at the time I hit the top of the Lair.

There are several ways to boost my muscle. Adventuring, the Wheel, Donating to the Hall, gymming, spleen hits, gourd potions, eating and drinking. Some of these are inefficient, such as spleen hits and gymming, because I'd be better off doing other things. Donating to the Hall should be a priority. Boozewise I just have to hope on what the brewery offers. Foodwise, two portions of Spaghetti-with-Skullheads seems the best bet, but requires farming. Adventuring in the Castle to turn the Wheel is the best way to spend turns.

There's other stuff that requires farming, as well. The Metallic A and Heavy D. The Heavy D will probably fall in the Castle, but I need to go out and collect the Metallic A. Which is not that bad, because, that way, I'll probably get more cocoa eggshell fragments, phonics down and potions of drastic healing, as well. I still need a strung instrument for the mariachi's as well. How to get this depends on whether or not it is a clover day.

All of this leads to the following plan.
1) Adventure in the Kitchens (with Twitch) for 2 knob sausages. Cook and eat Spaghetti-with-Skullheasd
2a) If it's a clover day, visit the sewer for 4 trinkets. Get 4 clovers and strings. Use one clover to get a big rock and make a stone banjo.
2b) If it's not a clover day, adventure with the pirates (with Twitch) till I get a guitarrr. Mix the rum with grapefruits for monkey wrenches (myst).
3) To the Airship! (still with Twitch). Adventure around until the Metallic A has dropped. If it was a clover day, now is a great time to cook and eat Lucky Surprise Eggs. If it wasn't, a (spicy) bean burrito will do.
4) Onwards to yonder Castle. Turn the wheel counterclockwise till it sticks on "Take out the Trash". Use Grin Reaper instead of Twitch. Keep donating excess meat to the Hall of Legends.
5) Reach level 11. Switch to Twitch again. If the Heavy D hasn't dropped yet, I stay in the Castle, otherwise, I start with the Lair.

Let's just hope for clover day and a good muscly special at the Brewery.

Day 8: We're all made of stars!

Come to think of it, I chose the worst time to do a Muscle ascension. No Muscle Days for a long time and Blood of the Wereseal in severe decline now.

Nonetheless, I had an exhilarating day's worth. With the food as planned, I finished the job on the Peak. The Airship is always a nice relief from the Peak. The monsters, except for the MagiMechTech are slightly easier, on overall and you are not hampered by Cold Protection gear. As an added bonus, I could now perform the Lunging Thrust Smack, sending the baddies away even more efficiently.

In the Castle, the fight was tough, but I got lucky with the Wheel. With a Goth Kid shirt on, I drank a few wrath serums and *laid the fucking smack down* in the Hole in the Sky. Seriously, that was fantastic. I made the stars see stars. Before I knew what had happened, everything I needed from there was mine and I could go back to the Castle armed with a Star Sword and powered by Wrath. After a few turns, the wrath waned and smashing in the Castle went okay, except that my spleen had been exhausted from restoring HP. Not willing to waste a lot of meat, I decided to call it a day and save any remaining adventures for tomorrow.

I shall make a reminder/planning post for the stuff that needs to be done in preparation of fighting the Naughty Sorceress.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 10
Moose Harasser
Turns Played (this run): 1,142
Days Played (this run): 8


Day 7: Slashing and Hacking

Turns Played (this run): 1,010
Days Played (this run): 7
Keypunch (#30036)
Level 9
Caribou Smacker

That's about the extent of interesting information today. The valley quest took a long time for the final scroll to drop. I went to the hippies to get a new dreadsack, which also took a long time. Then I fought the Icy Peak in the past and the present, and again, the Present is better. Except for the blood flowers, which are useless.

In the meantime, I visited the kitchens for knob sausage (I wanted Spaghetti with Skullheads tomorrow), which also took a long time.

I made a big dent in the Skills Wishlist, which is now:
Lunging Thrust-Smack (10,000)
Torso Awaregness (5,000)
I already have the meat in my closet for LTS.

Even the eating and drinking was boring. Left with few ingredients, I had decided on Gnocchetti, which I topped off with delicious noodles. Drinking was one whiskey sour, and all IPA. Tomorrow I hope there's a better special.

Tomorrow I'll eat (I've prepared them already): Knob Sausage Chow Mein, Spaghetti with Skullheads and Pr0n Chow Mein.

I hope there's a good special at the brewery to go with it, because IPA already is awfully close to taking over as my favourite drink.


Day 6: Muscle Rush

I did a lot as planned, but also realized why I had planned not to stare blind on power-levelling in the first place; it creates pressure and frustration.

The Daily Dungeon delivered the final desired key (woot!), so I could also donate to the hall. Slowly fighting my way up the mountain, I dropped in on the Bonerdagon with the help of my Temporal Riftlet and thrust-smacked the Bonerdagon to dust. Further up the mountain, I first tried my hand at Yeti/Penguins in the past, but eventually settled on fighting Yeti's in the modern day. Much more meat and slightly better stats (even with Blood Flower adventures).

I used up Medicinal Herbs at an alarming rate, but eventually, with a bit of donation to the hall (but after buying Powers of Observation and Tongue of the Otter), I reached level 9 and got the Leaflet. My adventures were nearly gone, though.

Adventuring with the Pirates even gave me extra drunkenness, but luckily, I had taken some margin. Thundering into the valley, I took out Twitch and was very lucky to get all the needed scrolls in the last handful of adventures.

Which concluded the triple whammy of stat boosters...on a stat day. My optimism about reaching level 10 was misplaced though...that's a far cry away. I might not even make it tomorrow. There's a slim chance I might have succeeded at that, had it been muscle day, but it was not. My progress is still impressive to me, though.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 9
Caribou Smacker
Turns Played (this run): 874
Days Played (this run): 6

p.s. The Plague has been cured.

Day 6: Shopping Plans

I want to make plans and a wishlist.

Tomorrow is another moxie day, so I'm going to eat Fettucini Inconnu. Hanging around the Goatlet is quite profitable, so getting two extra cheeses is no worry. The gap will be filled with a regular spicy bean burrito. I do want to get to level 9 as well, for the stat boost from the leaflet, after all. And also the Valley Quest. Boozewise, I'm hoping for a nice muscle or moxie special. I'll be drinking at least the two whiskey sours I prepared earlier.

Screw the Fettucini. I'm going to stare blind on level 9 and the statboosts...I'm eating spaghetti with skullheads. The moxie boost from using triple stat boosters should be more than enough offset.

I want to wait as long as possible with getting a knitted dreadsack, and just do the regular level 8/9 stuff. It's pretty straightforward, although I should definitely not forget to take a swipe at the Bonerdagon and crack his chest.

Wishlist (prioritized):
Powers of Observatiogn (5000)
Lunging Thrust-Smack (10000)
Tongue of the Otter (3000)
Torso Awaregness (5000)
Hide of the Walrus (7000)
Claws of the Walrus (8000)
Claws of the Otter (2000)
Gnefarious Pickpocketign (5000)
Tongue of the Walrus (9000)

Farmlist items:
Daily Dungeon: Room 10 award.
Mountain: frigid ninja stars, eXtreme cold-weather Gear
Valley: lowercase n (2x), meat vortex, 31337 scrolls, 64732 (or whatever) scroll.
Airship: metallic A, photoprotoneutron torpedo

Plans: Tomorrow could be a good day. A stat day with 4 adventures extra from gear (chrome sword and watch) and 3 possible statboosters within grasp (bonerdagon chest, leaflet code, 1337 h4xx0r). I shouldn't stare myself blind on the statboosters though and have some priority for meat- and itemfarming. So, I begin with the Daily Dungeon, move on through the goatlet, eat and drink. Adventure on both slopes for items, until I reach level 9. Use the leaflet and diss the pirates. Drop in on the Bonerdagon. Roll into the valley and do my thing, buy some skills around this time. Finish the valley, and buy a lot of skills.
Smite yeti and climb unto the fantasy airship.

Or something. Exciting day tomorrow, any way, with loads of opportunities.


I'm thinking of a possible level 10 on day 6? Madness! I'm two days ahead of my fastest run...and I haven't really done all that much, or played all that well. I didn't use empathy for example, at all, today. It's the bonus of Amphibian Sympathy and the superboost from the teetotalling.

Day 5: Hard Labour

Today I've been mining and smithing.

Getting beat up in the mines is no fun. Even the extra holidays to the shore didn't make it any more pleasant. I got the meat globe as a reward. And anti-cheese.

I think that's actually a flaw in the housing progression. You can get a Newbiesport Tent at level 1. The barskin tent may take some adventuring, but is available at level 2. Then the cottage is only available after you finish the first part of a level 8 quest, combined with shoring a generally large number of times in a location you don't really want to shore at. (And shoring also hurts your PvP chances). Then at level 9, you get the Instant House, for no gameplay effort, whatsoever. I'm going to make a post about this on the forums.

[edit] I r dumb. You don't need goat cheese, but bowl of cottage cheese, which is available at the outskirts of Cobb's Knob, meaning that the cottage is available from level 3 (when you get the quest for the meatcar) and onward.

I also used to opportunity to learn about Smithing. Smithing is also a tough job. It takes 3 turns, 1100 meat (dense meat stack + basis) and of course prerequisites the tenderizing hammer and a 5000-meat skill.
So, for the whopping investment of 7100 meat and 3 turns, you have, at level 8, the ability to smith one of 3 weapons. One of which (linoleum) you already get for free, for completing the quest. The other one (asbestos) is a nice improvement on the kentucky-fried meat edition, but not much more than that. The chrome one is the only exception, for it gives you 3 extra turns. Useful, but not _that_ useful in what can be called end-game gameplay.
The whips are a different case, but really, they're not that useful in hardcore, I think. You might equip them when visiting a low-level area for some weird minor bonus. Or if you are a Mysticality class using spells, but I can't think of many other situations.

I accidentally sold my spare knitted dread sack and then used the other to make a bean bag. I'll get it back tomorrow, because I need it for the fruit for potions. I also forgot the Daily Dungeon.

All-in-all, adventuring went as good as it could get with the lag and I reached the Goatlet. I'm planning on eating Fettucini Inconnu tomorrow. Plus a spicy bean burrito. My consumption today was two spaghetti with skullheads and a spicy bean burrito. Boozewise, I drank a few specials, a homemade cocktail and some IPA.

I also toyed a bit with the new Mr. Store familiar. It has great references to the game itself, and the familiar item also to "Back to the Future".

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 8
Otter Crusher
Turns Played (this run): 738
Days Played (this run): 5

p.s. I'm a bit tired. My planning post will be more cheerful, I promise. In other news, there will also be a planning post :-)


Day 4: Clubbing Skills

Today I did a bit of catch-up, I felt.

Goblin King, Friar's quest and a kentucky-fried meat sword. Also picked up the lunge-smack and eye of the stoat. In the end I cleaned out the Cyrpt (except for the Bonerdagon) and felt very happy about succeeding at that. Food was two spaghetti-with-skullheads, spicy bean burrito. Drinks were eggnog (self-brewed), strawberry wine, a bunch of IPA and a final old-fashioned from the Brewery.

Really little interesting to tell, except that the anti-plague breakthrough is there!

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Narwhal Pummeler
Turns Played (this run): 592
Days Played (this run): 4


Day 3: Adventuring with Training Wheels

Still not completely recovered from the defeats by the Goblin King, I took it easy today and focused on the little things. I got a Jarlsberg key from the Dungeon. Two out of three in two days ain't bad. I ate some Gnocchetti di Nietschze, because I could and then took a trip to South of the Border. I mean, why not go there and see that part of the Kingdom? I made a spicy jumping bean burrito to fill up the last fullness.

The Gnomish Microbrewery promised Tequila with Training Wheels and I went for it. A bit of adventuring in the Treasury easily financed it. The most of my time, however, was spent facing 8-bit monsters. There was a severe lack of red pixels. And then suddenly, there's an Octoroc. So, now I have 5 red pixel potions, as well as a bunch of green and blue ones.

In my final adventures, I tried to get a Hippy Outfit, which I succeeded in, except that the hippies were fierce opposition. I was too lazy to combine my plunger into an autoplunger and then I realized I could make a kentucky-fried meat sword. I have the herbs, but I need the spices. No clover day at the hermit, alas, so it'll have to wait, at least, till tomorrow.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 7
Narwhal Pummeler
Turns Played (this run): 449
Days Played (this run): 3


Day 2: Screwing with the Goblin King

After being so effective on day 1, I took the liberty to screw around on Day 2. I did get Island Access and made the Chef-in-a-Box, but wasted a lot of time resting and toying.

There's new content, but I'll abuse my multi to look into that. Mostly I tried to see if there was a sneaky way of taking on the goblin king, without using reagent potions. I could've tried arse-a-fire elixir, I suppose, but for now, I just used blood of the wereseal and my dodecapede. And failed. The dodecapede did nothing, and I'm starting to think I might be better off using a 11+-pound barrrnacle or such. I also lost too much HP for Chronic Indigestion to be useful.

What was also wasteful: the choice adventures have become non-skippable, which means that while adventuring for perfume, I'm forced to waste a turn playing songs for the harem girls.

Oh yeah, the Dungeon gave me the Sneaky Pete Key.

Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Malamute Basher
Turns Played (this run): 319
Days Played (this run): 2