Day 4: Some Action!
And off I was, to Crimbo Town. Taking advantage of the time of year, I started beating up elves. Good stats, but more importantly, great toys. I got some yoyos, but more importantly, I got a doll house. Four tiny plastic familiars, which are going to help me a great deal against the Sorceress. And while I had no other accessories, they gave me a small boost in stats too. For the future (it requires 40 myst), I got a sock-monkey as well. The shillelagh is one-handed, so I can wear it. The unexpected bonus, however, was a "Unionize the Elves Sign", which is a power 50 weapon. Much better than anything else I would come across at that low level.
Time for some more serious questing. It took a while to get the larvae, sadly no wooden stakes or barskin. So, I'm camping out in a good old NewbieSport. Getting a car (and the screwdriver) was a piece of cake. So, I confronted the rats. Glad that I had done the Pretentious Artist's quest, because looking for the Baron took me through the entire cellar. Picked up 20 rat whiskers, which is a cool 1000 meat. I used the Dodecapede to kill the Baron. When you enter your Guild, you get a bunch of homepathic elixirs, which came in handy to heal :-) I should've gone for the monocle, instead I went for the Top Hat...kinda fixated for some reason. It ain't a bad hat, though, but for a SC, the Goblin King Crown is better. Oh well, now I can get the cape from the Goblin King.
After this, I hit a bit of a snag. Got beat up by the bossbat...and the pixel creatures, even when I had turned the machine down again. Decided to gather some pieces for a meat maid and that was a smart move. Getting poisoned by a disease-in-the-box (sadly, didn't get the actual disease, after killing it) was a good sign to chill out and make some jewelry. I plied a hamethyst necklace, baconstone bracelet and porquoise necklace. I look like mr. T with all those necklaces. I had enough Muscle now to equip the Shillelagh and pulverize the Boss Bat.
Since I was running low on adventures, I took my coffee sprite and forced the last few meat maid items. Only 2 adventures left before I finally got that smart skull, but now she's purring on my campground.
In the end, not a bad day, although I could've done some stuff better. Meat is quite non-scarce, which is a good thing. I should've remembered hairspray earlier and maybe was a bit on the late side with jewelry-plying. Also, should've taken the monocle instead of the Top Hat, but oh well. Also, I forgot to actually finish the Tavern Quest by closing the faucet. It's in the top row, in the middle column (3rd from left and right), so that's the first adventure I can spend tomorrow.
At the end of day, I swallowed some soda water and made some reagents (9 MP with the bracelet :-))
Keypunch (#30036)
Level 6
Malamute Basher
Turns Played (this run): 200
Days Played (this run): 4
I broke my hippy stone and chose to PvP. It's a bad choice, because the flowers give NO advantage, and you only run the risk of losing stats, but's something fun I can do, when not playing. Ain't got that hamethyst necklace for nothing...
Really should take care in picking my fights.
PvP Ranking: 46
Fights Won/Lost: 9/1